Ok, so I finally have use to a computer after almost 2 weeks without mine. So I drove from Dayton, Ohio to Connecticut yesterday, 12 hours! I had to take a break and get some sleep though. But I am finally near my home in Mass. My dad moved to Ct, but my Mom still lives in Mass. I am in mixed feelings being home, but leaving so many great people and great friends behind. I will never forget Phil, Justin and Johnny from Trendkill Tattoo in Riverside, Ohio. They are my brothers, they took me in and showed me a kinship like noone I have met. I also miss punkydoll and punknitemike. Good times and awesome Green Day show...right mike? Anyways, I wanted to let the people know that I miss them and you will always be in my heart and we will always be in touch. I am also very excited that I will to see Thea this week!!!!
Things are going fine around here. My yahoo msn misses you quite a lot! Don't forget you're the only contact I have there
I really hope you're having a great time in Mass. When will you have an inet connection again? Two weeks?