I guess I can call this an update, Whats up SGLand?!
Nothing major, just saying hello and possibly maybe, no yeah a mini photo dump.
So yesterday was kinda eventful for any of you listening, i got my sixth tattoo and I'm still high from the excitement. I lent my forearm to a friend learning the skill ,and although it was a basic cross with initials next to it, I'm in love with it. I'm not one to push or wave my faith in peoples face but I got the cross to pay homage to the man above and my parents. Though they aren't the best parents in the world, they're mine and I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers to anybody whose a mom or dad!
Another cool but awkward situation occurred yesterday; I am a man of humble virtue therefore i see myself as moderately attractive. That's not me fishin' sweethearts its an honest opinion of myself. Anyway I went and volunteered on my day off down at Micah Ministries; they help the homeless and what not down in Fredericksburg Va. So I'm there minding my business and this awesome lady starts a convo off by complimenting my ass!! I blushed my face and she kept staring. She said I was the best thing she saw in a long time and I made her day and that made my year. Shes clearly blind though cuz I don't see it..
Other than that its just been work, work and work.
I'll end this here with some more of my face and some tunes cuz we all love music! Thanks for reading if you took the time. Drop me a line anytime.