Wow! Hello SG love's! It has been quite a while since I have blogged and I just realized I have not blogged all month! My apologies, I have been quite busy with moving as I had lots and lots of stuff to get rid of after 7 years of being in the same house.
I am now in a bigger place and settled in, and I just love it! I also got rid of lots of unnecessary things so I feel a huge weight has been lifted. I never realized how much unnecessary junk I have accumulated both physically and psychologically, but once rid of it, I feel so much better!
For this homework we were asked what our resolution is this year. @missy @rambo @lyxzen I have given a lot of thought to this, and I notice when I have made resolutions in the past, it was always to improve physical things, to exercise more, eat better, look better, blah, blah, blah. But this year I feel as though I need something different and more than the physical or material aspect of things.
This year, my resolution is to change my thought process to think more positively, and to just be happy. I want to learn more, read more, and do the things that make my heart smile and my soul free. Simple things like traveling somewhere I have never been, even if it is just for the day. Exploring, laughing, and just enjoying life.
I find that sadness and worry often creep up with no warning, but what if we can find a way to change that? To me living and leading a fulfilling life and doing what make's you happy, regardless of how others perceive what it should be. I think that I have found that here with SG. I feel that I can really express myself here and be myself with no worry or care in the world because I know there are many others that feel the same way I do.
I appreciate each and every one of you and the fact that you all take the time to read all my randomness. So long story short, I would have to say that my resolution for this year is to manifest complete and unmistakable happiness. Thank you again for reading yet another blog post. I hope you all had an AMAZING Christmas and Winter Solstice, and have an AMAZING new year! xoxo, Hunnibee 💋