Hi there my SG lovelies, I am still catching up on blog homework, and here I go with yet another one of the awesome topics I have been thinking about. One of our assignments to be done @missy @rambo @lyxzen was for us to discuss a skill we would like to acquire.
I have many skills that I can think of that I would like to acquire. To be a better public speaker, a better muse for modeling, an expert hair and makeup artist, to finally learn how to drive a stick shift, to become an expert at riding speed bikes and motorcycles, the list goes on and on. However, when I think of a skill that would be most important for me to learn and use in my daily life is to speak Spanish fluently. This is very important to me on a personal level because my Grandmother on my Father's side speaks fluent Spanish, as many relatives on her side of the family do. She came over here to the United States from Jalisco, Mexico when she was 7 years of age, and has been residing in the Bay Area ever since. She never taught my Father or Aunts and Uncles Spanish, as she had become very Americanized while living here and felt that English would serve us better, considering we would be living here permanently in her mind. Anyway, despite her assimilation to the U.S. customs, she still practices certain aspects of our culture's traditions, including speaking fluent Spanish.
She has many neighbors that speak in Spanish with her, and I constantly find myself having her repeat herself, and I'm like "Grandma what did you just say?" and "can you repeat that back to me/us?" she becomes frustrated at times, as she does not want to have to repeat herself constantly. Lol, but in all fairness if she would have just taken the time to teach it to us in the beginning, it would have saved her all the time and frustation now. Anyway, it would be very important for me to not only speak Spanish, but I would like to understand it in the same way that I do English, as I feel it would be much easier to communicate with loved one's and friends that speak it as well. I have taken classes from time to time to sharpen up on my skills, but I still have a long way to go. I am still not sure how I made it this far in a Spanish-speaking family without going bonkers with confusion, but I have faith and will just continue practicing my Spanish speaking skills and keep asking my Grandma what she's saying until I acquire this wonderful skill, better sooner than later though, hehe. ;)