I have been so busy with psychology stuff for school and getting ready to travel to San Francisco for the Blackheart Burlesque show, (which was AMAZING by the way) so I haven't had much time to blog. I figured I would start my first blog with the homework from 9/11. @missy @rambo @lyxzen , and all the lovelies of the site, my best advice when dealing with a hater is, I don't.
It took me many years to be happy with myself and my choices, regardless of what that looks like to others. I have come to the realization that someone will always have an opinion no matter what, but whether I choose to respond or not depends on me.
I say fuck the haters and do what makes you happy! It took me 20+ years to finally accept and love myself and I'll be damned if I waste that on another's opinion. I have so much love for myself and others, that I truly believe that will outweigh any hate.
My advice? Live, Love, and fuck what a hater has to say!! I'm excited to be a part of this site, and can't wait to share more of myself with all the lovely people of SG!! Have a lovely weekend love's!! xoxo 💋