By the Numbers taken from Sierra Magazine....

Minimum fine for factory farms that violate air-polution standards, under current federal law: $27,500

Minimum fin under an amnesty deal proposed by the EPA: $3,000

Percent of women of childbearing age with dangerous levels of mercury in their bodies, according to the EPA: 8

Percent increase in mercyry (above amount allowed by the Clean Air Act) that Bush's...
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No offense meant by my grammar comment in the RPG group. Since high school I've been fanatical about reading and writing, grammar and spelling, good paper and nice fountain pens. I get a particular bee in my proverbial bonnet over the misuse of "your" (as compared to "you're") and "their" (as compared to "there" or "they're"). Improper usage of "e.g." and "i.e." bugs me as well.

It's OK with me if you don't agree. You can treat the English language however you like. I just wanted to let you know my motivation for bringing it up - it has nothing to do with "grammar police badge[s]". That's a whole different kettle of snark. wink

With regard to the American Way, I'm currently reading a book called Fast Food Nation. It's a nonfiction book about the development of the fast food industry in America. I just finished a chapter about corporate advertising to kids. Apparently there are companies that lead a profitable existence by brokering deals between big companies (e.g., Coke or Taco Bell) and schools. The schools don't have enough money, so they plaster the buildings with advertising and push soft drinks on the kids in order to bring in the corporate dollars. What really makes me sick is that the corporations then get big tax kickbacks from the government for "supporting education"! puke

Judging from your field of study, you probably already knew this...but it's news to me. Ugh.
Statistics speak louder than words, in many cases. Thanks for the data. Do you read Harper's? They do a nice job giving us glaring stats every month.

As a Wyoming congressman, Dick Cheney voted AGAINST the Equal Rights Amendment, AGAINST funding the Head Start Program, AGAINST a house resolution calling for South Africa to release Nelson Mandela from prison, and AGAINST federal fnding for abortions even in cases of rape and incest.

i'm a dead aim with a .22
They vary in price. I think mine was around $150 or $175. I love my Kenmore, though, and it has a ton of different decorative stitches and an overlock stitch that works pretty well as a serge. I am dreaming of a "Babylock" though. I would go nuts with one of those!

ooo aaa
Whooooo. It is a very happy day. I receved my letter from EMU. I was accepted into Grad School!!! I will be able to start classes this January. I normaly don't write personaly stuff in my "blog" I was so happy I did have to share.

I haven't had much time around here. Looks like you haven't either. I wish there was a dancing icon I'd stick it on.
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin ~SinAmen
Amerikkka uproots 120,000 Japanese Americans and sends them to "internment' camps in deserted areas of the western states fearing they may or may not be dangerous.

"Islam is a teligion in which God requires you to send your son to die for Him. Christianity is a faith in which God sends His son to die for you."
Attorney General
John Facist Ashcroft 11.07.2002

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Will you be going to see "Farenheit 911" next year? How about "Micheal Moore Hates America" ?? I'll see both. The second for laughs. But I'll wait and rent it so they don't get my $.
Hubby just finished reading SWM last night, finally. Now it's my turn. I've been keeping myself busy learning about vaccines. Talk about anger-provoking!
You should check out these 2 interviews. She interviewed Franken 1st about Lying Liars, and O'Reilly a couple of weeks later about his book. He walked off her show. I still crack up listening to them.
I intend to read Lying Liars, bc I agree MM isn't the best author. But since our public is so ignorant and media-driven it takes books like his to reach the masses and I like him for that. They're good reads, although really disorganized, etc. He is the best "voice" for the left right now. Love that guy.
What are you gonna do with an MSW? My dearest friend is a BSW and we met working at a nursing home together. Don't know much about its uses beyond that. It takes a special person, I'm glad to see you're so determined.
Yeah, I thought about pitching a married group, but I'm not sure how long I'm going to stick around this place...
Whooo, Just when I was getting pissy my Simple Living and Frugality Group was approved. Please Come and check it out.

Detroit, you're so rad. I'd marry you except AndyAss already got to me...

I've got a friend out here that hiked the Apps from GA to ME.
He talks about it like it was no big deal. He's that kind of guy.
Your tastes rock and so do your goals.
This just makes me physicaly ill.
Huge FBI searches with no court orders

Anyone have know any good books on how to move your life to Canada.

"When they came for the communists, I was silent, because I was not a communist;
When they came for the socialists, I was silent, because I was not a socialist;
When they came for the trade unionists, I...
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I am trying to get a simple living frguality group for SG started. I submited it to the gods but I have yet to get a reply. It has been only 4 days or so. If anyone is intrested drop me a comment.

I posted in your thread re: old VHS tapes. If you have a list I'd be interested in looking at it.
hi i saw your post on simple living

i believe its the true path

get rid of the trash and appreciate life itself

existance consciousness

hit me wid musicskull

The Federal Minimum Wage went into effect on 10.24.1938, at $0.25 an hour. It is now at $5.15 an hour. After adjusting for inflation, that's 21% lower then in 1979. About 70% of all minimum wage workiers are older then 20, and most are raising a family.
- Mike Moore
*looks at your favorite movies*
i just got back from L.A and saw the In-N-Out Burger.
that made me really happy
iTunes for PC came out today. Very farkin cool. May have to pick up a Ipod to replace my broken one. This a must download for any music fan. I'm downing Cash American IV to check it out now.

On October 16, 2001, US Navy planes bombed six food-filled Red Cross warehouses in Afghanistan. The Navy said it was an accident, despite having accidentally bombed...
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Cackle, Well I am offical Old School. Doesn't matter. I have been rejected from the Old Skool group every time I tried to join. I was up in this bitch when there was like 2 Anais photo shoots and we begged Missy like there was a actual chance for her to do a set.

The Detroit Location group might as well get a fuck you...
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