I want to go see Devil's Rejects again... It is the first time I have wanted to go see a movie still at the theater twice in a long time... too bad my cheapness outweights my desire to see it again. I will see it when it goes to the 2 dollar theater.
I saw my favorite X-Files yesterday, Darkness Falls.... which includes ecoterrorists and man eating gnats.
I also just finished watching The Woodsman, very intresting movie. I think people should see it.
I must attend a bullshit wedding this weekend. The worst part, it will most likly NOT be an open bar. I should shit in there wedding gift. 10 bucks says there is little or no veggie option for dinner.
I saw my favorite X-Files yesterday, Darkness Falls.... which includes ecoterrorists and man eating gnats.
I also just finished watching The Woodsman, very intresting movie. I think people should see it.
I must attend a bullshit wedding this weekend. The worst part, it will most likly NOT be an open bar. I should shit in there wedding gift. 10 bucks says there is little or no veggie option for dinner.

you should shit in their wedding gift. they should know the best part of weddings is the open bar. it's there so everyone who's already married can get trashed thinking about it and so all the singles can get trashed cuz they aren't married yet.

aw, you should catch it! let me know if you catch it and i will come get it!