Bit of a mixed bag today, finished work for the week (having been off on Monday too) was speaking to a nice kitty in St Andrews, it was up a tree of all things but hit a bird with the car on the way
And gas man is coming tomorrow to fit out meter, then it's central heating time and cosy winter this year. And got my cousins wedding on Friday, so a day of drinking and probably some extra curricular activities too
And you should see how big the sunflowers are getting (I'll get pics, honest!) they were teeny last week and now they're at the top of the stakes (about 550mm)
Anyway, that's it, please go and tell Fairynothing how weird her dream was the other night
Snoop Dougy Doug
Bit of a mixed bag today, finished work for the week (having been off on Monday too) was speaking to a nice kitty in St Andrews, it was up a tree of all things but hit a bird with the car on the way

And gas man is coming tomorrow to fit out meter, then it's central heating time and cosy winter this year. And got my cousins wedding on Friday, so a day of drinking and probably some extra curricular activities too

And you should see how big the sunflowers are getting (I'll get pics, honest!) they were teeny last week and now they're at the top of the stakes (about 550mm)
Anyway, that's it, please go and tell Fairynothing how weird her dream was the other night

Snoop Dougy Doug
And the evil lawyer dance is from the Simpsons. Marge sees a divorce lawyer who says "are there any children?" Marge says "yes three", he jumps on his desk and does this funky little tap dance. It will always stay with me!