Top night out last night. Was at my friends 30th birthday party (Only 9 months til mine )
Anyway, drink was so cheap a round for 6 of us came to about 10.50 so suffice to say I was well gone. Then it was back to ours til sleep arrrived at about 6.30.
And managed to get the 8mm taper through my ear on Thursday, so a new tunnel is on it's way.
So sleppy today but happy.

Anyway, drink was so cheap a round for 6 of us came to about 10.50 so suffice to say I was well gone. Then it was back to ours til sleep arrrived at about 6.30.
And managed to get the 8mm taper through my ear on Thursday, so a new tunnel is on it's way.

So sleppy today but happy.