It is late and I am tired.
Well its been a long time but I'm finally back. My Internship is over with and as far as I know I passed. Right now I'm just waiting on my instructors to give me the go-ahead to take my state license exam. Now my internship had alot of ups and downs and to be honest SG Land, I really dont know if I want to work on an ambulance anymore. Some of the things that happened during the internship left me with the feeling that maybe being on a rig isnt for me. It would be like one day I couldnt do anything right while the next day I was a total G on every single call. I think I am better off working as a medic in a hospital or an urgent care center. I dont know, I guess time will tell and in the end......i'll pretty much take whatever medic job i can get.
So now that my internship is done I seem to have a lot of free time on my hands. Something I'm totally not used to. I've been hanging out with my friends a lot more often and have even started to dip my toe into dating again. So yes, I am really loving life right now
I finally got to test drive that BMW that was drooling over a few months ago. Before you ask: IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hopefully picking up the bike either late august or early september. I cant wait, It'll be my little gift to myself for passing paramedic school
Well thats all for now, sorry this blog is a little scattered brained but Its been a long crazy day so forgive me. Now if you excuse me, i have a horribly painful sunburn to deal with
Well its been a long time but I'm finally back. My Internship is over with and as far as I know I passed. Right now I'm just waiting on my instructors to give me the go-ahead to take my state license exam. Now my internship had alot of ups and downs and to be honest SG Land, I really dont know if I want to work on an ambulance anymore. Some of the things that happened during the internship left me with the feeling that maybe being on a rig isnt for me. It would be like one day I couldnt do anything right while the next day I was a total G on every single call. I think I am better off working as a medic in a hospital or an urgent care center. I dont know, I guess time will tell and in the end......i'll pretty much take whatever medic job i can get.
So now that my internship is done I seem to have a lot of free time on my hands. Something I'm totally not used to. I've been hanging out with my friends a lot more often and have even started to dip my toe into dating again. So yes, I am really loving life right now

I finally got to test drive that BMW that was drooling over a few months ago. Before you ask: IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hopefully picking up the bike either late august or early september. I cant wait, It'll be my little gift to myself for passing paramedic school

Well thats all for now, sorry this blog is a little scattered brained but Its been a long crazy day so forgive me. Now if you excuse me, i have a horribly painful sunburn to deal with