Happy Blog
Lately i've been reading other peoples blogs on this site. Some of them are fun and some can be somewhat educational, but lately I've seen a pattern of EMO blogs. Now I get it, sometimes people want to vent and thats ok. I'd be a hypocrite if i said that I have never vented my frustration out in any of my blogs. BUT! when someones blog is nothing but "my life sucks this is why blah blah blah" it tends to get rather irritating. Yes, we all have our problems, yes some of those rants are legit, but maybe for once these people could sit back and write down all of the positive things that have happened in their life. Just a suggestion
So two weeks ago the West Michigan group decided to have a little get together at small bowling alley. Needless to say I had an absolute blast. I made a lot of new friends and showed off my ackward bowling skills. After bowling we decided to hit up a nice italian sports bar for dinner, were we caught our waiter looking down Kirin's shirt. So we decided to leave a little note saying "I noticed that you were staring at my chest, If you like what you see and want to see more then go to www.suicidegirls.com and search for Kirin". I sooo wish i could see the look on his face after getting that note. Big shout out to Inkblot98, Kirin, jimn35, and Zarphin. I cant wait for our next group get together.......rock climbing perhaps????
Easter Sunday was an absolute blast. It was great to see the family again and eat alot of awesome food. God damn my family knows how to cook
A big shout out to my Grandma for cooking a full turkey and honey glazed ham. 80 years old and still as sharp as a tac. I also got to spend alot of time with my baby niece. I finally got to see her wear the AC-DC onsie that i bought for my sisters baby shower.
School has been going very well. I have 3 more weeks until my finals and 2 more weeks until I start my internship. I still cant believe how far I've come. I have gone from having super shaky hands when I tried to put in an IV, to being able to put IV's in patients that even the ER nurses couldnt get. Now I just gotta keep my confidence up when I start my internship and I'll be all set
So thats pretty much it. A nice happy little blog that maybe some of these emo people could learn from. Now if you excuse me, im going to go listen to some Pearl Jam.
Lately i've been reading other peoples blogs on this site. Some of them are fun and some can be somewhat educational, but lately I've seen a pattern of EMO blogs. Now I get it, sometimes people want to vent and thats ok. I'd be a hypocrite if i said that I have never vented my frustration out in any of my blogs. BUT! when someones blog is nothing but "my life sucks this is why blah blah blah" it tends to get rather irritating. Yes, we all have our problems, yes some of those rants are legit, but maybe for once these people could sit back and write down all of the positive things that have happened in their life. Just a suggestion

So two weeks ago the West Michigan group decided to have a little get together at small bowling alley. Needless to say I had an absolute blast. I made a lot of new friends and showed off my ackward bowling skills. After bowling we decided to hit up a nice italian sports bar for dinner, were we caught our waiter looking down Kirin's shirt. So we decided to leave a little note saying "I noticed that you were staring at my chest, If you like what you see and want to see more then go to www.suicidegirls.com and search for Kirin". I sooo wish i could see the look on his face after getting that note. Big shout out to Inkblot98, Kirin, jimn35, and Zarphin. I cant wait for our next group get together.......rock climbing perhaps????
Easter Sunday was an absolute blast. It was great to see the family again and eat alot of awesome food. God damn my family knows how to cook

School has been going very well. I have 3 more weeks until my finals and 2 more weeks until I start my internship. I still cant believe how far I've come. I have gone from having super shaky hands when I tried to put in an IV, to being able to put IV's in patients that even the ER nurses couldnt get. Now I just gotta keep my confidence up when I start my internship and I'll be all set
So thats pretty much it. A nice happy little blog that maybe some of these emo people could learn from. Now if you excuse me, im going to go listen to some Pearl Jam.
Yay school is almost done!!!!! Big party when you're done?????
Of course there will be a big party at my place when i finally get my liscense