The Final

Well this is it, everything id down to the wire. After one year of hard work, sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears it all comes down to tonight. My final exam....30% of my grade. 170 questions plus 30 ECG identifications. I'm confident yet nervous at the same time. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.....
Good Luck man. You'll do great, answer with your first instinct, if you don't know at all don't waste your time, and most of all, know that you got this shit handled!
Good Luck! x
Happy Blog

Lately i've been reading other peoples blogs on this site. Some of them are fun and some can be somewhat educational, but lately I've seen a pattern of EMO blogs. Now I get it, sometimes people want to vent and thats ok. I'd be a hypocrite if i said that I have never vented my frustration out in any of my blogs. BUT!...
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Yay school is almost done!!!!! Big party when you're done?????
Of course there will be a big party at my place when i finally get my liscense biggrin

Ok so spring break has finally started. Yes I know we are starting spring break a little late, but our spring break coinsides with all of the elementary schools and seeing how alot of people in our class have kids this works out pretty well for them.

Unlike most people, I'm actually going up north for the weekend. I'm going to visit my...
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That is a sweet bike!!!!!
Thanks for the love on my set!

Wow its been a while since I last posted a blog on here. I've been super busy with school, I am constantly studying and, at one point, had about 3 to 4 clinicals a week. Well thankfully my class and clinicals are almost complete. Yet as of right now Im doubting myself more and more every day. Dont get me wrong, I love school...
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Yea, You'll do fine though, get out there, and feel the fire, and you'll get your game face on, and away you go. If you're doing that well in school, the people out there who have emergencies could use you. I've had plenty of paramedics come through my life, and some of them are severely shitty. One of my good friends does it now down here in kzoo, he was an army medic too, over in iraq. If You want I can ask him if its cool to email him. He's not on SG yet, tho he knows of it, and should be. He's a good guy, might help ya to talk to someone thats been doing it for years, but is only 30. still young at heart. let me know. Otherwise, hope you can make it in april, I'm looking forward to meeting you. Totally get the busy thing tho, schools gotta come first. take care man.
Hey thanks man. Thankfully things have gotten a little better at school, I feel more confident and from what I've been told our internships wont drill us as bad as I think they will. I dont know if i can make it the 16th because I dont get out of work until 1pm. But I will for sure hang out with you guys soon.
Oh what was I thinking?

For some odd reason I decided to schedule a bunch of clinicals this week. Granted I picked these dates several weeks ago not thinking about the consequences. so here is my week as follows:

Tuesday: Work then gym then study
Wensday: Operating Room clinical from 8-4 then i have to haul ass and get to class at 5, class 5...
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Whoring Myself

Well this has been a crazy week. I had two 'firsts' happen this week. I scored a 98 percent on my exam and I finally posted a Suicide Boys set. Yes for those of you who dont know there is a Suicide Boys group on this site. At first I was nervous about doing the set but thanks to some encrouragement from Kirin,...
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biggrin I think it came out great!
A suicide boy set!! I'm going to see that!! NOW!
Hoooooooly Shit!

There are very few moments in life were you can step back and say "wow, did I really just do that?" Like when your 12 and you just put together a 1000+ piece lego set, Or when you finish building a house or custom motorcycle. You do something so grand that you even suprise yourself. Well last night I had one of those...
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Smarty pants! Next time I'm in an accident and bleeding from my head I hope you're my EMT. wink
The exhibit opened yesterday, but it's supposed to be there for at least a few weeks, I believe. It was worth it to me and I didn't even get to see the IMAX movie (all sold out, but we got to the museum later in the day). Go if you get the chance, and if you have kids/nieces/nephews/godchildren, take them too! Even very small kids seemed thrilled by it, and the roaring and such isn't so loud as to be frightening.
An Old Love Affair Rekindled

Oh hello VH1, havent seen you in a while, you look good. What? You have more original shows that arent sequals or spin offs? You ditched Brett Micheals and New York.....wellllll I guess it couldnt hurt.......

OK so as you can see I've rekindled my love for super trashy VH1 shows. Honestly I dont know what it is about these...
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Superman tonight acoustic.
I taped it wink
Again I am mad jelous. Seeing Bon Jovi in concert is on my bucket list, no really it is!. Its only 2 notches below diving in a shark cage to swim with Great Whites.
Ok so I finally posted two albums on here. One is from the concert I went to in november. The other are progress pics.

Ok so the concert pics, yes the quality of the photos is pretty bad, the camera on my phone takes horrible pictures in low light condition. But, the concert itself was an absolute blast! There were 5 bands playing: Dendra, Blackgaurd,...
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