I still feel the sting of the tiny drops of rain even though I've already changed into dry clothes. I have just returned from the cousins house. Although they don't live far from where I am, each drop that hits my face, my scooter reminds me of the word, inconvenient.
About three weeks ago, I bought myself a brand new car. Spankin new. A Toyota Corolla, 2012. I was so happy. To be an independent man. To be able to go wherever the fuck I want to go. To travel as I please. The start of my journey of traveling on the east coast. And lastly, a step into adulthood. Real life things, grown up things, big people stuff.
I had the car for six whole days until my carelessness got the best of me. I was having a conversation with the cousin about a duffle bag, of all things, a mother fucking duffle bag. I was reversing out of the driveway and did not look to my left. BOOM. Crash. I hear my friend's scream behind me as I look back. I have just hit his also newly purchased car of two months.
And this is where the inconvenience word got thrown out. I didnt think of it at the time, but then again who would? I just hit a car. My friends car.
I still feel the sting of the tiny drops of rain even though I've already changed into dry clothes. I have just returned from the cousins house. Although they don't live far from where I am, each drop that hits my face, my scooter reminds me of the word, inconvenient.
About three weeks ago, I bought myself a brand new car. Spankin new. A Toyota Corolla, 2012. I was so happy. To be an independent man. To be able to go wherever the fuck I want to go. To travel as I please. The start of my journey of traveling on the east coast. And lastly, a step into adulthood. Real life things, grown up things, big people stuff.
I had the car for six whole days until my carelessness got the best of me. I was having a conversation with the cousin about a duffle bag, of all things, a mother fucking duffle bag. I was reversing out of the driveway and did not look to my left. BOOM. Crash. I hear my friend's scream behind me as I look back. I have just hit his also newly purchased car of two months.
And this is where the inconvenience word got thrown out. I didnt think of it at the time, but then again who would? I just hit a car. My friends car.
That sucks man! 

Oh my fuck cat. :s