Another day, a new experience along with some old ones. News, friendship, food, laughter, memories all mingled in between the hours and minutes of my life. Today, or yesterday rather has been one that I can say I had a good time. It was a break from the constant reminder of being a graduate who has not been employed for a few months.
I hung out with
Issue_ one on one today. It was pretty chill. Kinda nervous being that it was the first time I've ever hung out with her. We went to The Melting Pot. It was my first time ever and I must say the service was quite exceptional. After that we went to Target to get some supplies, mainly for Mr. Coops
After she dropped me off, I could've done several things. Towards the end of the night my brother went bar hopping in Huntington Beach. "Let's go party bro." The idea of drinking, socializing and bar hopping does not entice me one bit. Sure its some good time. There would be plenty of eye candy and you can just down right have some good ole time trying to get some girls number. But I simply said no. There was another thing I could've gone to; a kick back/ pool party that the volleyball/ csuf people were having. I had the address, the time. All I had to do was show up and see some old faces. I do not know the reason, perhaps I am just anti social, but I did not go either.
Instead when Anthony and Steve text me to go watch X-Men: First Class, I readily agreed. There are just some people in life that you cannot say no to. These two have been mine. Because through my eyes, they are the ones trying to help me through my rut. They have helped, and denying is never an option. Since it is still the opening weekend for this movie, we did not watch it. We did buy the ticket walked into the theater, but there was a long line. Instead we went to Sonics. There, Steve asked me, "What crazy adventures have we been through?" To be honest, I couldn't recall most of them. There was only one specific one that stood out which I consider to be the weirdest night of my life. The rest, I couldn't remember at all. That made me ponder.
Now, as I sat there and while on the way home. I thought to myself Why do I not write down what adventures I go on? Yes, there might be a chance that no one reads it, there might also be the chance that people would be like WTF is this dumbass writing about. The thing is, I would say this would be a recollection of my own memories. A way for myself to dive into my past. I have gone on some weird, crazy adventures, but my memory is not there. I only know that it was some crazy weird ones, and one particularly stuck out. So why not? It would be a way to improve my writing which I must say is lacking. A way to practice and a way to remember. Hopefully it'll ride through and I continue to write these snippets of my life. Let's do this.