Tonight was a good night. Even though I went to traffic school, in my opinion it was worthwhile.
So going to traffic school, it was the last day. Kinda happy that it's the last day, but damn, who the hell likes traffic school. It sucks balls.
Last week we all picked seats and I chose the left side of the room towards the middle. As seats filled up I was quiet in my little side. I was sleeping on the side of the all because I chose the seat that was all the way inside the isles next to the wall.
After everyone came in, I saw a blond chick walking in. Unfortunately she sat in the last row in the back. She was by herself at the time just sitting there. I wanted to sit next to her but decided not to. As the doors closed, a guy came in. He was bald and kinda old looking like upper 20's. He went straight to the last row and to the end of the seat on the isle.
This guy was so annoying. He had a comment for everything. I mean its cool to comment and be funny, but he was trying to be funny for every single little remark the instructor had. It was nonstop yapping. At first I thought the girl was enjoying his laughter, etc.
Now not to be a stalker or anything, but I was noticing him because every time he makes a remark I would look back. Annoying forreals. He made jokes when it wasn't even funny. But getting to the main point, from what I saw, he was always having his hands on her chair these seats were like the movie style. They were uncomfortable.
That was last week. So come 5 pm I head out to school. Whoo hooo! Its going to be my last day. The class started up and the guy in the back is up and at it again. Fuck. He makes remarks and everything.
8:20 pm and I make a dash for the door. Break time. Finally! I buy a bottle of water and head back in. I wanted to talk to this other chic that I had a minor conversation before class started, but she was talking to someone. She was cute too. But oh wells, I walked to my seat.
As I sat down, I looked behind me. Nope she hasn't come in yet. A couple minutes roll by and the Korean guy behind me moves up to my row. He says it's too crowded in his row because there are 5 people in it and only 3 in our row. The instructor lets him so I think to myself if he can move, then she can move too! The blond chick sitting with the annoying guy.
She walks into the room and seats herself.
"I would offer you the seat next to me, but we cant move outta the rows cos that guy's gotta be annoying you."
"Yeah I would move up there if I could."
"Wait this guy just moved up here."
"You can move up here then."
So she started to gather her belongings and she moved up to sit next to me.
I say to her, "Man that guy's just annoying huh?"
"Yeah he was. He kept hitting on me. He's like old! I'm only 18 geez."
So as class went on, we get to talking. I find out that she goes to fullerton jc. And is interested in dancing. She's into the Irish dancing. There was this one Irish festival months back which I did not attend. I told her that I was about to come but didn't, was close though. She was there. Lol.
She told me about the guy to. I brought up the subject that he always had his hand on her chair. And she went into detail when she would lay her head back his arm or hand would always be there and the guy would use that as an excuse of touching her. I was like wtf. That guys a creep.
"Yeahh he's a creep, he was touch my thighs too. His hand would move down and touch them." I don't know about you but that's fucking scary yo. Can anyone say molestation?
Once we got back to talking about her, I asked if one of those competition's were coming up. She said yeah it'll be like next month or something.
Now I usually never hit on girls or anything and I fucking have no balls when it comes to girls. I don't approach them or anything. But tonight I don't know why.. maybe the annoyance of the guy led me to not caring.
I said to her, "I wouldn't mind going to one of your competitions."
"You should send me some information about them so maybe I can go."
So we sat there in a little bit of awkwardness because I was like uhh. I almost choked!
"Whats your number?"
"Here I'll give it to you."
And I hand her my booklet. Good ole traffic school booklet.
She wrote her number on the back. I kinda paused and stuff then I asked.
"Do you want my number?"
So I scribbled down my number. 714 467-5568. I was like soo awesome. I got her number. My hearts like thumping hard because.. fuck I;m a shy guy. I don't usually do these kinds of things. I look at the booklet and was like OH SHIT!
"Umm wait that's not my number. I just got a new number and so I got her booklet and crossed out my old number..... Aww shit! I DON'T REMEMBER MY NEW NUMBER. I sat there for atleast 30 seconds trying to remember my new number
Finally it came to me and I wrote down my number.
Then time came and we all left the room. I didn't attempt to talk to her. I don't know if she was waiting for me to come talk to her. Fawk I'm so bad at these things. So I was like 1 person behind her. And I gave my friend a call telling him what I just did. Pretty happy panda walking out.. I saw a girl being picked up by a raised up truck. I don't know if it was her or not, but lets see.
Now for the question. When should I call her? I'm going to be working on the weekends and at night. Hmmm
So going to traffic school, it was the last day. Kinda happy that it's the last day, but damn, who the hell likes traffic school. It sucks balls.
Last week we all picked seats and I chose the left side of the room towards the middle. As seats filled up I was quiet in my little side. I was sleeping on the side of the all because I chose the seat that was all the way inside the isles next to the wall.
After everyone came in, I saw a blond chick walking in. Unfortunately she sat in the last row in the back. She was by herself at the time just sitting there. I wanted to sit next to her but decided not to. As the doors closed, a guy came in. He was bald and kinda old looking like upper 20's. He went straight to the last row and to the end of the seat on the isle.
This guy was so annoying. He had a comment for everything. I mean its cool to comment and be funny, but he was trying to be funny for every single little remark the instructor had. It was nonstop yapping. At first I thought the girl was enjoying his laughter, etc.
Now not to be a stalker or anything, but I was noticing him because every time he makes a remark I would look back. Annoying forreals. He made jokes when it wasn't even funny. But getting to the main point, from what I saw, he was always having his hands on her chair these seats were like the movie style. They were uncomfortable.
That was last week. So come 5 pm I head out to school. Whoo hooo! Its going to be my last day. The class started up and the guy in the back is up and at it again. Fuck. He makes remarks and everything.
8:20 pm and I make a dash for the door. Break time. Finally! I buy a bottle of water and head back in. I wanted to talk to this other chic that I had a minor conversation before class started, but she was talking to someone. She was cute too. But oh wells, I walked to my seat.
As I sat down, I looked behind me. Nope she hasn't come in yet. A couple minutes roll by and the Korean guy behind me moves up to my row. He says it's too crowded in his row because there are 5 people in it and only 3 in our row. The instructor lets him so I think to myself if he can move, then she can move too! The blond chick sitting with the annoying guy.
She walks into the room and seats herself.
"I would offer you the seat next to me, but we cant move outta the rows cos that guy's gotta be annoying you."
"Yeah I would move up there if I could."
"Wait this guy just moved up here."
"You can move up here then."
So she started to gather her belongings and she moved up to sit next to me.
I say to her, "Man that guy's just annoying huh?"
"Yeah he was. He kept hitting on me. He's like old! I'm only 18 geez."
So as class went on, we get to talking. I find out that she goes to fullerton jc. And is interested in dancing. She's into the Irish dancing. There was this one Irish festival months back which I did not attend. I told her that I was about to come but didn't, was close though. She was there. Lol.
She told me about the guy to. I brought up the subject that he always had his hand on her chair. And she went into detail when she would lay her head back his arm or hand would always be there and the guy would use that as an excuse of touching her. I was like wtf. That guys a creep.
"Yeahh he's a creep, he was touch my thighs too. His hand would move down and touch them." I don't know about you but that's fucking scary yo. Can anyone say molestation?
Once we got back to talking about her, I asked if one of those competition's were coming up. She said yeah it'll be like next month or something.
Now I usually never hit on girls or anything and I fucking have no balls when it comes to girls. I don't approach them or anything. But tonight I don't know why.. maybe the annoyance of the guy led me to not caring.
I said to her, "I wouldn't mind going to one of your competitions."
"You should send me some information about them so maybe I can go."
So we sat there in a little bit of awkwardness because I was like uhh. I almost choked!
"Whats your number?"
"Here I'll give it to you."
And I hand her my booklet. Good ole traffic school booklet.
She wrote her number on the back. I kinda paused and stuff then I asked.
"Do you want my number?"
So I scribbled down my number. 714 467-5568. I was like soo awesome. I got her number. My hearts like thumping hard because.. fuck I;m a shy guy. I don't usually do these kinds of things. I look at the booklet and was like OH SHIT!
"Umm wait that's not my number. I just got a new number and so I got her booklet and crossed out my old number..... Aww shit! I DON'T REMEMBER MY NEW NUMBER. I sat there for atleast 30 seconds trying to remember my new number
Finally it came to me and I wrote down my number.
Then time came and we all left the room. I didn't attempt to talk to her. I don't know if she was waiting for me to come talk to her. Fawk I'm so bad at these things. So I was like 1 person behind her. And I gave my friend a call telling him what I just did. Pretty happy panda walking out.. I saw a girl being picked up by a raised up truck. I don't know if it was her or not, but lets see.
Now for the question. When should I call her? I'm going to be working on the weekends and at night. Hmmm
Thank you. It's nice to hear such a nice compliment..its been a while.
Hung!!!!!!! It was awesome meeting you at the Disneyland event!!! You were cracking me up non-stop.