With the winter and holiday seasons among us, I think its important to send a message to all those who may be struggling with depression, thoughts or attempts of suicide, self-injury, anxiety, and anything else that may be causing pain.
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. - Albert Camus
Dear Friends and Strangers,
Winter may be as hard a time for you as any, or it may even be worse. There is nothing statistical about the pain you feel. There is no comprehensive study on your struggles. There is, however, hope. I know its not just sadness. I understand the difference between feeling down and feeling hopeless. I also know how hard it can be to find reasons to be hopeful, but trust me, they exist. We are people of all different backgrounds. You may be rich or poor or somewhere in the middle. You may be any ethnicity under the sun. You could be the exact opposite of me, but we still have one thing in common: were only human.
Pain can be physical or emotional. It can feel okay one second and excruciating the next. I know it may seem impossible to get rid of, but if youre willing to try, theres hope.
To all the sufferers, please seek help. I know it may seem easier to fight your battles alone, but it isnt. Seeing a mental health professional is your best option; if it seems impossible financially, call your local health department to see if anyone in your area offers help through a sliding-fee scale. Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide, so please, dont brush it aside. Make sure to reach out to family or friends as well. Im also here to help you.
To those suffering with thoughts or attempts of suicide, or with self-injury, this is especially true. Remember, if youre at risk of hurting or trying to kill your self at any given moment, call 911 or whatever your local emergency number is. Please get help. Your life is worth living. Hurting yourself may feel good in the moment, but that temporary relief just causes more pain later on. I know your struggles. Im here for you.
These winter months dont need to be painful. They are supposed to be a time of joy, even if you need a little bit of help to feel it. You are stronger than you know, inside and out. There is an invincible summer within all of us.