I'll start out with the standard Happy Valentine's Day and whatnot (even though it's nearly over). Also Happy Chinese New Year. So now that I've gotten the well wishes out of the way...
I spent the entire day sleeping. From the time I went to sleep around 8 am to just around 10 pm, with a small period of consciousness in between, I slept through Valentine's Day and also (mostly) any family drama that may have taken place.
When I woke up for a little bit around 3 pm, my mom and sister came home from wherever, and the first thing my mom said to me was "Thanks for the mess you and your friend made last night." My best friend Brandy has been having problems at home with her parents as well as her younger brother and his girlfriend, and when she asked last night if she could come over, I said yes without hesitation. We've known each other for nearly six years, and despite me moving all over and regardless of the distance between us, she's stuck by me and me by her throughout it all. She arrived a little while later, and we spent the night talking on Skype with some Maple friends of mine (though due to them not being able to stomach some of her comments, I can't be in a call with them if she's here anymore :/) and looking at stuff on the internet. We got hungry after a while and threw together some instant mashed potatoes and pasta. I forgot to clean up the pots we used, something my mom does very often, but besides that there wasn't much of a mess at all. My mom also berated me for using the whole jar of pasta sauce, saying that I must think she's rich or something. It's a fucking generic jar of sauce from Aldi: get the hell over it because it probably cost just over a dollar. I heard her get into a bit of an argument with my sister afterwards, and it was around this time that I decided to go back to sleep.
My mom woke me up with a card, an amazingly soft little teddy bear, and two Valentine's chocolates. She also got a few dollar menu items from McDonalds since I hadn't eaten anything. I was so out of it from sleeping as long as I did. At one point I nearly fell over while walking to the living room. I haven't heard any more conflict between my mom and sister, but judging from the lack of any interaction between the two, the tension is still high as ever. I did hear my sister saying on the phone that she was going to drive down to South Carolina, so apparently that plan is still in motion. For being a day of love and happiness, my Valentine's Day turned out to be quite cold and lifeless, or at least the one outside of the monitor.
Before I went to sleep in the morning, I got an email from my Maplestory hubby in Belgium. He sent me a file to download and said a few sweet words. I was a bit surprised. After it downloaded, I opened the video file and watched as a homemade Maple music video started playing. An MMV is typically a collection of screenshots or recorded clips of actual Maple gameplay set to a single song, and the screens or clips are usually made to reflect the lyrics. I was so taken aback and full of love for him. It was the first romantic gift I'd ever gotten for Valentine's Day, or even just in general, and even though it was from a guy living on an entirely different continent, the distance did nothing to lessen how much it meant to me. Now I have to think of an equally special albeit late gift for him. The song he set it to was Half of You by Varsity Fanclub. The way he made it was adorable. Hehe.
So despite the bullshit that today brought, it still managed to be somewhat special. Am I crazy for wishing my long distance internet thing will one day be real? We've been together for six months. I know that views on online relationships are completely split. Either you're for it or you're against it. I've only been in one other internet relationship where I saw a real future, and it was with my ex-girlfriend Jenna whom I planned to move to Jersey to be with until she broke up with me. She also plays Maple, but we'd known each other for over three years before she got me to start playing. That ended pretty roughly, but we're still good, if not better, friends.
I've effectively rambled on, hooray. I hope your Valentine's Day and/or New Year was fun and not as crappy as mine. Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself.
I also have a tummy ache. How fun. D:

I spent the entire day sleeping. From the time I went to sleep around 8 am to just around 10 pm, with a small period of consciousness in between, I slept through Valentine's Day and also (mostly) any family drama that may have taken place.
When I woke up for a little bit around 3 pm, my mom and sister came home from wherever, and the first thing my mom said to me was "Thanks for the mess you and your friend made last night." My best friend Brandy has been having problems at home with her parents as well as her younger brother and his girlfriend, and when she asked last night if she could come over, I said yes without hesitation. We've known each other for nearly six years, and despite me moving all over and regardless of the distance between us, she's stuck by me and me by her throughout it all. She arrived a little while later, and we spent the night talking on Skype with some Maple friends of mine (though due to them not being able to stomach some of her comments, I can't be in a call with them if she's here anymore :/) and looking at stuff on the internet. We got hungry after a while and threw together some instant mashed potatoes and pasta. I forgot to clean up the pots we used, something my mom does very often, but besides that there wasn't much of a mess at all. My mom also berated me for using the whole jar of pasta sauce, saying that I must think she's rich or something. It's a fucking generic jar of sauce from Aldi: get the hell over it because it probably cost just over a dollar. I heard her get into a bit of an argument with my sister afterwards, and it was around this time that I decided to go back to sleep.
My mom woke me up with a card, an amazingly soft little teddy bear, and two Valentine's chocolates. She also got a few dollar menu items from McDonalds since I hadn't eaten anything. I was so out of it from sleeping as long as I did. At one point I nearly fell over while walking to the living room. I haven't heard any more conflict between my mom and sister, but judging from the lack of any interaction between the two, the tension is still high as ever. I did hear my sister saying on the phone that she was going to drive down to South Carolina, so apparently that plan is still in motion. For being a day of love and happiness, my Valentine's Day turned out to be quite cold and lifeless, or at least the one outside of the monitor.
Before I went to sleep in the morning, I got an email from my Maplestory hubby in Belgium. He sent me a file to download and said a few sweet words. I was a bit surprised. After it downloaded, I opened the video file and watched as a homemade Maple music video started playing. An MMV is typically a collection of screenshots or recorded clips of actual Maple gameplay set to a single song, and the screens or clips are usually made to reflect the lyrics. I was so taken aback and full of love for him. It was the first romantic gift I'd ever gotten for Valentine's Day, or even just in general, and even though it was from a guy living on an entirely different continent, the distance did nothing to lessen how much it meant to me. Now I have to think of an equally special albeit late gift for him. The song he set it to was Half of You by Varsity Fanclub. The way he made it was adorable. Hehe.
So despite the bullshit that today brought, it still managed to be somewhat special. Am I crazy for wishing my long distance internet thing will one day be real? We've been together for six months. I know that views on online relationships are completely split. Either you're for it or you're against it. I've only been in one other internet relationship where I saw a real future, and it was with my ex-girlfriend Jenna whom I planned to move to Jersey to be with until she broke up with me. She also plays Maple, but we'd known each other for over three years before she got me to start playing. That ended pretty roughly, but we're still good, if not better, friends.
I've effectively rambled on, hooray. I hope your Valentine's Day and/or New Year was fun and not as crappy as mine. Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself.
I also have a tummy ache. How fun. D:

and thats cute that he sent you a gift he obviously spent time putting that together for you ^_^
and who cares what others think of online dating. its your life. Do what makes you happy. If it works for you then great. If not then know that the odds are kind of against the long term relationships built via internet. Either way don't let it detour you from trying to be happy
Question though, how do you waste money on it if it is free?