I feel like I'm taking advantage of the SG site because I have a certain level of anonymity here right now. Because I don't think that this is frequented by most of the people I work with/know I feel like I can give my negative moods a voice. Venting is very heathly...especially if it can occur with out consequence. So my happy thoughts get dumped into one journel and my frustrations are detailed here, but that doesn't allow for a journal that expresses the whole of who I am. I hate feeling as if I have to wear a happy face all the time. It may be why I've had such manic episodes lately. I'm exhausted from pretending and am losing my ability to keep up the act. I wish we lived in a society where we didn't have to pretend. Wouldn't it be better if we could just say what we were feeling..."Hey, I think you are an asshole." or "Yeah, I do love you."? We would be better off because we wouldn't be fighting ourselves all the time and those around us would be better off too because they would know where they stand. No more wondering, "Does he like me," or "Does she hate me?" When I take over the world maybe I'll put this into my bylaws. Until then...I love you all...probably.

You're going to take over the world? I guess I'd better get on your good side before then, eh?
bitch. you hate me. i know it.