I admit that I love it when my students flirt with me. Though it is funny/entertaining enough that I do not get caught up in it, there are times when I secretly thank God that we are on the short quarter system at my school.
Writing a review on single molecule magnets, not feeling very qualified to be condensing this subject.
Writing a review on single molecule magnets, not feeling very qualified to be condensing this subject.
what do you teach? I am such the crush on the prof type.
i'm sure you'd find it easy to impress me, i'm not much of a science person, although i do love my physics (the lowest grade i got in any class in highschool was Biology).
you are right, i AM a student. I am currently working on my bachelors in philosophy and religious studies and am planning to persue a doctorate degree in peace studies/conflict management. but we'll see how life draws itself out. and why? well, that's an interesting question. i think the answer is this:
I chose philsophy because i want to figure it out
I chose religion because i knew i couldn't do it alone
I chose peace because i want to do something about it.