things...well, my life is almost 100% work. I hover in that nether region in between happy and tired. I'm never sad....i've replaced this emotion with tired. Thus caffeine is my medication. Katie (from lincoln) and then my brother came to visit me in the last month. I have a few friends outside of the department, but mostly I know people in the technology institute. i'm...
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You look like such a nice cute intelligent guy that I just had to say hi! 

school is almost over and I am done with classes for the duration of my stay here. I'm feeling ill from whatever happened last night, though i think it happened after playing some game called "Edward 40oz. Hands"
i have more important things to do than waste my time in skool... i'll educate myself.
go to karyn's; it's all raw vegan food.. it's located on halsted, between north and armitage. yum.
go to karyn's; it's all raw vegan food.. it's located on halsted, between north and armitage. yum.
the wheatgrass wasn't to break the fast... i was fasting on water and green juices. it inevitably did break my fast tho...
i was thinking about breaking my fast in the way you'd suggested, but i thought the oil would be a bit much for me. i'm going to lay low on the cooked foods for a couple days, and stick to raw for now.
i was thinking about breaking my fast in the way you'd suggested, but i thought the oil would be a bit much for me. i'm going to lay low on the cooked foods for a couple days, and stick to raw for now.
I just finished grading a mountain of lab reports. Now that i'm done it's like
taking off a heavy backpack and realizing that you're so much lighter than
you thought. i could run a marathon right now.
taking off a heavy backpack and realizing that you're so much lighter than
you thought. i could run a marathon right now.
well, luck couldn't possibly be tangible...
every action has it's consequences, "good" or "bad". so, i guess i believe in kharma moreso than luck. i don't think that things happen at random.
i used to be one of those assholes who'd write more and try to bullshit... but i was really good at bullshitting, so i'd usually get the grade i needed, whether i knew what i was talking about or was just rambling on.
every action has it's consequences, "good" or "bad". so, i guess i believe in kharma moreso than luck. i don't think that things happen at random.
i used to be one of those assholes who'd write more and try to bullshit... but i was really good at bullshitting, so i'd usually get the grade i needed, whether i knew what i was talking about or was just rambling on.
yeh, i made that same realization... it's a beautiful manipulative tactic. i've always been pretty good at analyzing people.
well, about kharma... i believe that it's all relative to your mentality and your outlook on life. if you think that the werld is out to get you, and consequently, you do hateful things to other people because you know that they hate you anyway, chances are that you'll suffer for it (well, you're already suffering, but the cycle will continue.) on the other hand, if you've got a positive outlook, "bad" things won't seem so bad to you... they're all a part of life and can all be utilized as learning experiences. also, with this positive outlook, you're not likely to do harmful things to others, and chances are, they aren't going to want to hurt you either. some people might want to hurt you... but when they do, you aren't going to be hurt quite as badly as that person who's waiting for someone to hurt them.
i'm not sure this is really the concept of kharma as most religious groups would define it.. but the gist of kharma is that what you put out will come back to you. and i'll add that what you put out is a product of your mentality.
there is an element of chance... when you try something new, either it will werk, or it will not werk. i don't think this has anything to do with luck; it has to do with your ability to analyze situations, make decisions, predict the potential obstacles, and act accordingly.
well, about kharma... i believe that it's all relative to your mentality and your outlook on life. if you think that the werld is out to get you, and consequently, you do hateful things to other people because you know that they hate you anyway, chances are that you'll suffer for it (well, you're already suffering, but the cycle will continue.) on the other hand, if you've got a positive outlook, "bad" things won't seem so bad to you... they're all a part of life and can all be utilized as learning experiences. also, with this positive outlook, you're not likely to do harmful things to others, and chances are, they aren't going to want to hurt you either. some people might want to hurt you... but when they do, you aren't going to be hurt quite as badly as that person who's waiting for someone to hurt them.
i'm not sure this is really the concept of kharma as most religious groups would define it.. but the gist of kharma is that what you put out will come back to you. and i'll add that what you put out is a product of your mentality.
there is an element of chance... when you try something new, either it will werk, or it will not werk. i don't think this has anything to do with luck; it has to do with your ability to analyze situations, make decisions, predict the potential obstacles, and act accordingly.
writing a paper, this time to be published. There are several things I have to do because the people reviewing it will probably be very critical.
basically, the thing i discovered/made works a lot like the tides, except with electrons instead of water. The waves shift back in forth like a pendulum, if you pull the pendulum further back you get larger, more violent waves....
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basically, the thing i discovered/made works a lot like the tides, except with electrons instead of water. The waves shift back in forth like a pendulum, if you pull the pendulum further back you get larger, more violent waves....
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i'm convinced that veganism is the only healthy diet.
i've lost mad weight doing that shit.
i've lost mad weight doing that shit.
i honestly don't give a shit about honey... so, i can't really call myself a vegan, but that's the diet closest to the one i've constructed for myself.
i think you live much longer if you eat primarily vegetables; your body knows how to process these whereas it was not constructed to convert processed foods into energy.
i think you live much longer if you eat primarily vegetables; your body knows how to process these whereas it was not constructed to convert processed foods into energy.
want to go to san francisco to visit my friends. we're just so fucking busy anymore. i can't remember if i was happier partying and dreaming kafka than now, making plasmon polaritons and dreaming of ways to be famous.
oh, we'll have time in the future. yeah, we'll all settle down together---my 3-floor brownstone next to theirs. no we won't. i'll have a best-man that'll...
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oh, we'll have time in the future. yeah, we'll all settle down together---my 3-floor brownstone next to theirs. no we won't. i'll have a best-man that'll...
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i found this new moldable plastic for my light "sculpture." I'd been making them out of paper, waiting to find something a little more brittle.
Anyway, my paper is over. 44 references, 11 pages. it looked good so i sent it out. bad news tho, me and my car got hit by a cop running a red light. worse thing is that he blamed it...
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Anyway, my paper is over. 44 references, 11 pages. it looked good so i sent it out. bad news tho, me and my car got hit by a cop running a red light. worse thing is that he blamed it...
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I admit that I love it when my students flirt with me. Though it is funny/entertaining enough that I do not get caught up in it, there are times when I secretly thank God that we are on the short quarter system at my school.
Writing a review on single molecule magnets, not feeling very qualified to be condensing this subject.
Writing a review on single molecule magnets, not feeling very qualified to be condensing this subject.
i dont know much about paul.....perhaps i should learn some.
what do you teach? I am such the crush on the prof type.
but i do have to be impressed
what do you teach? I am such the crush on the prof type.

physical for a sec i thought you were describing what might happen if i were in your class...
i'm sure you'd find it easy to impress me, i'm not much of a science person, although i do love my physics (the lowest grade i got in any class in highschool was Biology).
you are right, i AM a student. I am currently working on my bachelors in philosophy and religious studies and am planning to persue a doctorate degree in peace studies/conflict management. but we'll see how life draws itself out. and why? well, that's an interesting question. i think the answer is this:
I chose philsophy because i want to figure it out
I chose religion because i knew i couldn't do it alone
I chose peace because i want to do something about it.

i'm sure you'd find it easy to impress me, i'm not much of a science person, although i do love my physics (the lowest grade i got in any class in highschool was Biology).
you are right, i AM a student. I am currently working on my bachelors in philosophy and religious studies and am planning to persue a doctorate degree in peace studies/conflict management. but we'll see how life draws itself out. and why? well, that's an interesting question. i think the answer is this:
I chose philsophy because i want to figure it out
I chose religion because i knew i couldn't do it alone
I chose peace because i want to do something about it.
my update. still learning.
one of my friends told me last night that she wanted to be more-than-friends. I should have seen this coming, and acted with more tact. Said I wanted to remain friends and not get kissy-face with her.
She asked why? Why am I not attracted to her? no one wants honesty. I skirted the question, complimented her because I really do...
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one of my friends told me last night that she wanted to be more-than-friends. I should have seen this coming, and acted with more tact. Said I wanted to remain friends and not get kissy-face with her.
She asked why? Why am I not attracted to her? no one wants honesty. I skirted the question, complimented her because I really do...
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40ozers in paper bags is sooooooooooo cute, you know, in that bum sort of a way
welcome to the neko fan club.
god, i feel really sleezy saying that.

welcome to the neko fan club.
god, i feel really sleezy saying that.

paul happend to be using a "miniture" pen that day... just for me . YAY...

at whole foods I was asked on three separate occasions the location of the non-dairy creamer. i don't work there, i wonder if I look like someone who works there?
Things are fun. Went to chinatown yesterday for lunch and visiting. I have this friend who wanted to plant a kiss on me as I was leaving but she got my neck instead. Awkward.
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Things are fun. Went to chinatown yesterday for lunch and visiting. I have this friend who wanted to plant a kiss on me as I was leaving but she got my neck instead. Awkward.
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Finished finals and decided to stay home during the break. Am going shopping for ink tomorrow or monday. Itz my birthday on sunday, that would be a nice present. I wonder what they will think of my design. It's a penrose tiling.
What else can i say. I am happy, enough. My friend wrote me that yesterday, on a post card. "You seem happy, enough."...
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What else can i say. I am happy, enough. My friend wrote me that yesterday, on a post card. "You seem happy, enough."...
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just had to wish my northside compatriot who finished finals a hearty congrats! we here on the southside have also just finished up!
spring break is a sweet, sweet reward (even when you spend it working....)
spring break is a sweet, sweet reward (even when you spend it working....)
hi, sweetie* happy belated b-day...*
r u getting a tattoo? that's way kewl....* and omg, u work 80 hrs/wk...?