Wow, that last blog was...interesting. Anyhow, so it's officially over with dumbass Ryan.
But in other news, Hillary Clinton should just let it go. She has a very slim chance of winning the nomination and it would be better for the Democratic party if she just backed out and endorsed Barak Obama. It would be better for the Democratic party, because it gives us more time to prepare to beat McCain. We don't need a long and bloody primary season that lasts all the way until August. As much I love to see a good fight to the last second, I think we need to focus on what's going to better in terms of the country, etc.
As my father would say:

But in other news, Hillary Clinton should just let it go. She has a very slim chance of winning the nomination and it would be better for the Democratic party if she just backed out and endorsed Barak Obama. It would be better for the Democratic party, because it gives us more time to prepare to beat McCain. We don't need a long and bloody primary season that lasts all the way until August. As much I love to see a good fight to the last second, I think we need to focus on what's going to better in terms of the country, etc.
As my father would say:

I agree with you, though. Clinton is just going to make the Democratic party look bad by dragging this out and making a spectacle of herself. She's embarrassing. I don't know how she can look at herself in the mirror without saying, "I can't believe I'm acting like such a third grader..."
It's really disgraceful.