So Hillary may have won California, but it's still a close race. I really hope that Obama wins this democratic nomination. I think he's the most likely to bring the country around. I'm also a little worried that some stupid redneck is going to assassinate him. I'm sure there are some people in this country that are ready for an African-American or woman to be president. I think we are, and I also think that this is the year for the Democrats to take over Washington. As a country, we really need to repair our ties with the rest of the world. People in other countries are heavily interested in the elections this year, hoping that the next president isn't such a douche bag.
Oh here's a picture from Germany.
Oh here's a picture from Germany.
Hard to say if half the US will vote for a Non-white or non-male candidate. And the other half won't vote for another republican like Bush......
So Maybe this really is Lieberman's year?
Ross Perot FTW?