Holy shit....so I'm walking home about an hour ago and where I live there are *one ways* in every direction...I'm just about to walk across the last intersection before my building and I look in the direction of the one way street (always look before crossing the street) and this pickup truck was kinda going a little too fast(He was coming up to a Red Light)...Hey, this dude's not gonna stop...and shit, theres a car coming at a 90 degree angle with the 'right of way'...my instincts take over and I whistle real loud then scream HEY !!! No clue and it was BOOM...collission at 30 m.p.h. at a 90 degree angle...both cars come heading toward me at a and come to a stop literally about 2 feet away. thankfully all participants were not hurt (I think) one of the guys that got hit came out pissed and I kinda settled him down a bit then went on my way....Cool shit mang...
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life as I will be spending all next week in NYC to find my new career....I'm sure I'll be missed
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life as I will be spending all next week in NYC to find my new career....I'm sure I'll be missed

i was however not quite sure of what you were intending by it.
guarding one's culture and sharing it with others can depend on whether one feels that the enquiring party is being genuine about their apparent interest in it. this was rather ambiguous in the original content.
however, i was a bit choked by your response 'chill out'...and i was not sure if it was directed towards me.
in any case i'll share this: guarding the last remants of a battered culture after a few hundred years of genocide can make one react to such a statement as 'chill out' in a rather hostile manner. in my view, protecting what i have learnt and practised is a somewhat a personal and touchy subject. and while one tries to be open about it and to share it with others, one cannnot help but be on the opposite side of the spectrum - very protective and secretive.
again, i wasn't really offended by the post. however, i was dismayed at the possibility that people still might believe that First Nations peoples are still just a novelty.
unfortunately, i do believe that this is the case with far too many people today. for example, why else would there be so many sports teams using a race of people as a mascot? yet the 'negros', the 'caucasians' or the 'jews' are no longer sports teams since they were deemed offensive. (yes, actual team names any years ago)
perhaps when such 'small' things such as this are remedied, i'll quite my whining. until then, i can't help but raise an eyebrow about such things...or ambiguous comments.
i'm all for discussion. arguments are a waste of my time...and i'm not here to be hated because of words i might spout.
...and i don't assume the words i spout are right. maybe tomorrow i'll change them if i learn something new.
i almost got in a wreck the other night. so damn slippery coming off the ramp, my car did a 180. scary stuff. i was heading for the huge ditch. but stopped just in time. yeah.