I had a strange dream last night.
I was hanging out with 3 guys and a girl in this tiny apartment. I have no idea who these people were, but I knew them well enough in the dream. We were drinking and carrying on and whatnot. One of the guys, who happened to be the girl's boyfriend, was the type of person who is always doing something to draw attention to theirself. So, this guys would do or say something, then I would make a witty comment and everyone would laugh. Each time this happened it kind of upped the ante soda speak, so he kept getting more rediculous in his efforts. The guy to my left said something provactive to him (by now it was clear this guy was going to make an ass of himself and the guy next to me was just trying to help him along), and Mr. ADD started jumping around the room like the Tasmanian Devil on a pogo stick. He hit the wall next to the window, spinning wildly into the window knocking the screen out (the window was open), and then... well, out the window he gos, head first and without a scream. We all hear the SPALT-KATHUMP when he hits the sidewalk 7 stories below and we all gasp and look at each other in horror. All I can think is "My God I don't want to look I've got to get out of here we're all stoned and drunk OMG I don't want to look how do I get out of here no you don't look OMG...."
But then, at the hieght of my stress and anxiety, right about when I would faint or pass out, I woke up.
Wierd. I don't really dream of death often. Although, when I was younger I had this reoccuring dream about a group of us being taken hostage at a beach house by a madman and seeing my father decapitated by him as we were escaping.
Anyone into Freud out there that can explain either of these? Or anyone have an opinion?
I was hanging out with 3 guys and a girl in this tiny apartment. I have no idea who these people were, but I knew them well enough in the dream. We were drinking and carrying on and whatnot. One of the guys, who happened to be the girl's boyfriend, was the type of person who is always doing something to draw attention to theirself. So, this guys would do or say something, then I would make a witty comment and everyone would laugh. Each time this happened it kind of upped the ante soda speak, so he kept getting more rediculous in his efforts. The guy to my left said something provactive to him (by now it was clear this guy was going to make an ass of himself and the guy next to me was just trying to help him along), and Mr. ADD started jumping around the room like the Tasmanian Devil on a pogo stick. He hit the wall next to the window, spinning wildly into the window knocking the screen out (the window was open), and then... well, out the window he gos, head first and without a scream. We all hear the SPALT-KATHUMP when he hits the sidewalk 7 stories below and we all gasp and look at each other in horror. All I can think is "My God I don't want to look I've got to get out of here we're all stoned and drunk OMG I don't want to look how do I get out of here no you don't look OMG...."
But then, at the hieght of my stress and anxiety, right about when I would faint or pass out, I woke up.
Wierd. I don't really dream of death often. Although, when I was younger I had this reoccuring dream about a group of us being taken hostage at a beach house by a madman and seeing my father decapitated by him as we were escaping.
Anyone into Freud out there that can explain either of these? Or anyone have an opinion?

I dreamt that I had a tiny little dog that fit in the palm of my hand and it kept puking....