I'm on here way too much... Maybe I should add it to my vices.
I live on 14 acres. My friends sometimes call me Hoagie Roll. I call my property Rolling Acres. Both Huggles and Hoagie Roll were first nicknames for my Doberman Pinscher named Higgins. So my dog's nicknames became my own.
My other dog is a German Shorthaired Pointer named Pinto Beans, but he also goes by Phoney Balogney, Boney Roney, Pony Boy, and Mr. Peabody.
When I was circumcised the healing process didn't work out as it shoud. My first memory is of having the doctor pull apart the trimmed skin to straighten things out (I screamed like a boy having the skin of his Donkey Kong ripped apart). I have no idea what exactly was wrong or what would have happened if he had left it. But because of it I have a larger scar than most, and an interesting first memory.
I have atrocious spelling.
I have no idea how to upload photos to this site. Everytime I try there's a problem. It's only with Sophie's help that I have a profile photo.
My day today: 9am meet with staff. 11am go to "Harvest Festival" where the Sons of Confederate Veterans are passing out stars and bars (rebel flag) stickers for everyone to parade around in. 11:01 am Talk myself out of killing myself. 2pm Cut my Grandparents grass. 4pm Attempt to fix potholes in my long gravel driveway. 7pm Attend suprise party for a friend. 10pm Bored enough to come home. 11pm Yeah, I'm doing this.
Fuckin' christ! Somebody give me a reason for living!
Tomorrow I will finally cut up that hickory tree we lost in the storm.
Maybe I'll work on my book. It's about a gay son of a Primitive Baptist Minister who gets kicked out of college for drugs, moves back in with Mom and Dad, finally finishes college, moves back in with Mom and Dad and gets a job in an antique shop... all the while he has a long relationship with a local social worker who is married and has 3 daughters... he never comes out to his family, and they all just live in willful ignorance. It's called "Baby Don't Like Pancakes, Baby Likes Biscuit". But you have o say it with a draw, like jaw-juh (Georgia), "Baybee don LIIIIKE pan-cauhkes..."
I live on 14 acres. My friends sometimes call me Hoagie Roll. I call my property Rolling Acres. Both Huggles and Hoagie Roll were first nicknames for my Doberman Pinscher named Higgins. So my dog's nicknames became my own.
My other dog is a German Shorthaired Pointer named Pinto Beans, but he also goes by Phoney Balogney, Boney Roney, Pony Boy, and Mr. Peabody.
When I was circumcised the healing process didn't work out as it shoud. My first memory is of having the doctor pull apart the trimmed skin to straighten things out (I screamed like a boy having the skin of his Donkey Kong ripped apart). I have no idea what exactly was wrong or what would have happened if he had left it. But because of it I have a larger scar than most, and an interesting first memory.
I have atrocious spelling.
I have no idea how to upload photos to this site. Everytime I try there's a problem. It's only with Sophie's help that I have a profile photo.
My day today: 9am meet with staff. 11am go to "Harvest Festival" where the Sons of Confederate Veterans are passing out stars and bars (rebel flag) stickers for everyone to parade around in. 11:01 am Talk myself out of killing myself. 2pm Cut my Grandparents grass. 4pm Attempt to fix potholes in my long gravel driveway. 7pm Attend suprise party for a friend. 10pm Bored enough to come home. 11pm Yeah, I'm doing this.
Fuckin' christ! Somebody give me a reason for living!
Tomorrow I will finally cut up that hickory tree we lost in the storm.
Maybe I'll work on my book. It's about a gay son of a Primitive Baptist Minister who gets kicked out of college for drugs, moves back in with Mom and Dad, finally finishes college, moves back in with Mom and Dad and gets a job in an antique shop... all the while he has a long relationship with a local social worker who is married and has 3 daughters... he never comes out to his family, and they all just live in willful ignorance. It's called "Baby Don't Like Pancakes, Baby Likes Biscuit". But you have o say it with a draw, like jaw-juh (Georgia), "Baybee don LIIIIKE pan-cauhkes..."

FTR: I was totally being facetious about the sobriety thing. One of our first-discovered and deepest mutual interests was (and is) gin (and boozehoundery in general).