Holy fuck I am sick of it.
I just bailed my dogs out of the pound again. 3 fucking hundred dollars!!! I could've just bought a new dog! I thought when I moved out to the middle of nowhere that the boys would be happy running around on 14 acres. But oh no. Then I thought that when I got them name tags with 2 phone numbers and an address that people would call me if they found them, rather than calling animal control. Wrong again. Does anyone know how to be a neighbor anymore????
That's just for starters. I am sick of employees with no ambition, direction, moral compass, and work ethic. Tell me, where is the logic in quitting a job because you don't make enough money when you don't have another job lined up?? WTF? I have been doing this for 7 years, I said I would do it for 5 when I started. Half the time I flip burgers, half the time I raise someone else's kids and pay them. Everywhere I turn lately someone is talking about "don't ever give up on your dreams", "stay focused", "have a purpose"... OK, but my dreams aren't doing what I'm doing, and I have bills ya know??!! But, I am going to get after it, I'm working super hard, I'm in a foul mood, but I'm focused and determined and I'll be there soon... but not soon enough!
Thank you SG's for taking your clothes off and brightening my days with your nakedness!!!
I just bailed my dogs out of the pound again. 3 fucking hundred dollars!!! I could've just bought a new dog! I thought when I moved out to the middle of nowhere that the boys would be happy running around on 14 acres. But oh no. Then I thought that when I got them name tags with 2 phone numbers and an address that people would call me if they found them, rather than calling animal control. Wrong again. Does anyone know how to be a neighbor anymore????
That's just for starters. I am sick of employees with no ambition, direction, moral compass, and work ethic. Tell me, where is the logic in quitting a job because you don't make enough money when you don't have another job lined up?? WTF? I have been doing this for 7 years, I said I would do it for 5 when I started. Half the time I flip burgers, half the time I raise someone else's kids and pay them. Everywhere I turn lately someone is talking about "don't ever give up on your dreams", "stay focused", "have a purpose"... OK, but my dreams aren't doing what I'm doing, and I have bills ya know??!! But, I am going to get after it, I'm working super hard, I'm in a foul mood, but I'm focused and determined and I'll be there soon... but not soon enough!
Thank you SG's for taking your clothes off and brightening my days with your nakedness!!!

don'y give up the dream just adjust the goal so that you can keep eating. You may not get the whole dream today but each pieces you accomplish will put a smile on you face. as for employees forget it. you may think they are people but there not they are just sub human fodder that the dumb fuckers of the world are turning out by the truck load. everyone want sex and kids but no one wants to raise them. most are scaried of making a mistake with the kid so they do nothing which is the biggest mistake. consider them dull tools, use them, watch them closely and always look for the ones who are still alive in their head and can be made into something. good luck dude i have been a supervisor for over 30 years and i am tired of them.