Happy Bunny Day!!!!
Whats more American (other then invading sovereign nations) then Marshmallow Peeps for Easter? Im a traditional yellow chick man myself. A marshmallow wrapped in sugar, oh yeah!!! I Love how the little eyes follow you around the room just before you eat them. But what ever happened to the cut out peeps on the back of the packages?
Anyway, if you dont have enough stuff you got to go to this link: Shop Goodwill on Line
Im after the 1960s Erector Set myself...
Heres a question. Ham is usually served at Easter dinners, Right? Yet Jesus was Jewish and hams arent exactly a kosher dish. And this happened why???
This is what happens when I drink late at night and start thinking......
Peace, Love and Happiness my Friends!!!!
Whats more American (other then invading sovereign nations) then Marshmallow Peeps for Easter? Im a traditional yellow chick man myself. A marshmallow wrapped in sugar, oh yeah!!! I Love how the little eyes follow you around the room just before you eat them. But what ever happened to the cut out peeps on the back of the packages?
Anyway, if you dont have enough stuff you got to go to this link: Shop Goodwill on Line
Im after the 1960s Erector Set myself...
Heres a question. Ham is usually served at Easter dinners, Right? Yet Jesus was Jewish and hams arent exactly a kosher dish. And this happened why???
This is what happens when I drink late at night and start thinking......
Peace, Love and Happiness my Friends!!!!

In other splitter news, my mom caught my grandpa letting me "help" him by having me run the log splitter when I was like 9 or 10. She freaked. (Cause she was an ER nurse).