Heh, i was wrong... there was no naked time at the party... there was, however, lots of booze. tongue Whent swimmin today, which was awesome... M'baby got burnt (just a little) so now she's all pissy and stuff blackeyedI read Jessies journal, hope she's doing well. Needs to ditch that asshole kyle though mad Off to Wal-Mart for some late night tom-foolery

PUSSY!!!!!! miao!!
Got my fall semester in check... Most classes were full, but i think i did alright. After the lil miss and i got home there we took a delicious nap smile certainly needed it. Shabadaz is having his birthday party tonight when we all get off work. Lookin forward to a lot of booze and without a doubt, more nakedness in their pool wink Im sure one...
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Sigh... 630 in the AM and no sleep to be had. Gotta go to the college today to hammer out some fall class scheduling goodness. I have to wake up for that in an hour frown Mebe afterward me and my baby take a nap love Dont think she slept too well either. Heh, perhaps i should update when im more than only party coherent, as i...
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OK! Finally added some pics of me... I know its doesnt meet the criteria for a set at all but those were just spur of the moment so whatever. Should actually do a real one this weekend, still bouncing around some ideas of what i want to do as far as that goes. Got into a big fight with her over the phone last night,...
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dude, your pics cracked me up. I love the pensive yet alluring looks you give, tongue tongue
bok yeah i know... My balls will drop by the next set and i wont look so scared... least you enjoyed em though biggrin
About to go to work, got to hang out with a cool cat i know for a bit. Ate some chicken. Talked. Hope everything goes well with him and the new girl. Talked about her too. Think he was weirded out a bit when he read my SG profile... Awesome smile
Maybe write some more tonight if im in.
Bursting at the seams, so fucking lonely right now, and it's only 4:30... I worry about what may happen tonight if this keeps up. Went to state fair and got all my financial aid crap taken care of, gotta go on friday to set up a class schedule. Im excited. The prospect of doing something new is more appealing by the day. Everyone's been a...
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sigh... i cant seem to upload some damned pictures she took of me... well, its not that i cant upload them, its just that i cant resize them with the programs i got... motherfucking damnit... guess ill just have to do it tonight when she gets off work... we may shoot a spread of my pasty ass this weekend skull
cant wait biggrin
bleh, went to bed at about 5 this morning... need to cut that out
trying to figure out what the hell imma do till work... mebe go lay out next to the pool. My apt. complex actually has a fairly descent one, and its great to go during the week cuase no ones there... weekends are no fun, theres always a group of bastids throwing...
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seriously, i had no idea that a shaved head would be so damn attractive... and it was fun doing it. highly recomended for all of you who have even thought about doing it (guys and gals) i keep my head shaved as well biggrin mebe i go and buy a head razor sometime......
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I sent a few people i know locally freind invites, then i decided against it... Maybe I shouldnt tell them, I wouldnt want to have to neuter what im writing to not hurt anyones feelings, but if i did, what the hell would be the point of this journal? Ive never had a journal before, could do me some good...we'll see whatever