And tomorow came, whooptee fucking shit. So fucking bitter, i could use an out. How dare you, DO NOT tell what I believe. Its so easy to say I don't then walk away... well ya know what? When you didnt beleive me, i stayed, and i showed you. Every goddamn day, I listened, even when what you said cut me wide open, I talked, even though all i wanted to do was scream, i tried to understand, even when it was all so foreign, and i fucking stood by you, even when you made it very clear it wasnt my hand you wanted in yours. My worst fear realized, i am the space between him and the next... you say its not true, then you walk away, proving my point. If you cared, if you believed, if you loved, what on this world could keep you from fighting? And here i am, waiting... Is there even a point? As beautiful as you are, there will never be one who sees you as i do.
awesome sb set