bleh, went to bed at about 5 this morning... need to cut that out
trying to figure out what the hell imma do till work... mebe go lay out next to the pool. My apt. complex actually has a fairly descent one, and its great to go during the week cuase no ones there... weekends are no fun, theres always a group of bastids throwing a football over your head or something. I still dont know how to deal with women, especially ones im close to (kinda a left field statement there, but oh well) learn as you go i guess...
trying to figure out what the hell imma do till work... mebe go lay out next to the pool. My apt. complex actually has a fairly descent one, and its great to go during the week cuase no ones there... weekends are no fun, theres always a group of bastids throwing a football over your head or something. I still dont know how to deal with women, especially ones im close to (kinda a left field statement there, but oh well) learn as you go i guess...