Tainted victory.
It's been over a month since California took a step back into the Dark Ages, and I haven't calmed down one tiny bit. Sure, America "made history" by electing Obama (whose Cabinet is looking looking disturbingly Clintonian) but I can't help feel this victory to be hollow, as I suspect Americans placed the right vote for the wrong reason. And I still can't help but feel that the major defeat the principles of Free Society took with the passage of Prop 8 overshadows the Obama victory.
The principles of Unregulated Capitalism and Free Marketism (otherwise known as letting the foxes run the henhouse) which the Republicans have fought for so vehemently have led to the defanging of labor unions and labor regulators and a subsequent shrinking of the Middle Class to near-Third-World levels. This in turn led to system-wide economic stagnation, with only a minute percentage of the population having real spendable capital. Artificially low interest rates kept an entirely credit-based economy afloat for a few years, but the inevitable collapse has arrived.
All of this was the completely predictable result of avowed Republican policies, which Americans would seem to have rejected. But I'll argue that these policies were not rejected at all. People didn't vote for Obama because they understood why our economy is in collapse and so turned to policies that actually create wealth in all segments of the economy. Instead, they got scared and ran away from Republicanism. But when times get good again, they'll likely return again, thinking Republicans let them keep more of their own money. They'll get greedy and short-sighted, and the policies of letting the class divisions increase until we reach economic stagnation will begin again.
Words on Prop 8 to come.
It's been over a month since California took a step back into the Dark Ages, and I haven't calmed down one tiny bit. Sure, America "made history" by electing Obama (whose Cabinet is looking looking disturbingly Clintonian) but I can't help feel this victory to be hollow, as I suspect Americans placed the right vote for the wrong reason. And I still can't help but feel that the major defeat the principles of Free Society took with the passage of Prop 8 overshadows the Obama victory.
The principles of Unregulated Capitalism and Free Marketism (otherwise known as letting the foxes run the henhouse) which the Republicans have fought for so vehemently have led to the defanging of labor unions and labor regulators and a subsequent shrinking of the Middle Class to near-Third-World levels. This in turn led to system-wide economic stagnation, with only a minute percentage of the population having real spendable capital. Artificially low interest rates kept an entirely credit-based economy afloat for a few years, but the inevitable collapse has arrived.
All of this was the completely predictable result of avowed Republican policies, which Americans would seem to have rejected. But I'll argue that these policies were not rejected at all. People didn't vote for Obama because they understood why our economy is in collapse and so turned to policies that actually create wealth in all segments of the economy. Instead, they got scared and ran away from Republicanism. But when times get good again, they'll likely return again, thinking Republicans let them keep more of their own money. They'll get greedy and short-sighted, and the policies of letting the class divisions increase until we reach economic stagnation will begin again.
Words on Prop 8 to come.
Thanks for your nice comments on Oui's set Slow Rhythm!