This morning I woke up and I read many posts on Facebook walls.. I still can't believe it happened.
Lemmy is dead at age 70. He was one of my favourite icon of rock/metal scene. He embodied the real spirit of rock'n' roll. He was a legend. I've always dreamed about a Motörhead tattoo, Ace of Spades is my favourite song..but I've never done. I'm sad. I was just listening about Motörhead a couple of days ago.. Last mont Phil "Philty Animal' Taylor (former Motörhead drummer) died.. And today Lemmy. I would like to say something more but I can't.. I'm deeply sad.
You will be missed but never forgotten..
@lilyt credo di averlo letto su Instagram ma forse mi sbaglio :( e vabbè i beniamini si adorano anche così.. io purtroppo non sono mai riuscita a beccarli (il mio ragazzo credo li abbia visti, ha molta più possibilità di me) però credimi mi hanno indottrinata bene. Prima di lui è morto Philty Animal.. e adesso gli è andato a fare compagnia.. Uff non è giusto
Managed to see him one last time at Glastonbury, he was pretty out of it but still managed to rock the shit outa the pyramid stage. Never gave a fuck, always did want he wanted right up to his death 👍