feeling depressed?

watch some sasha grey

arg...beautiful bitch
the chick at the bank fucked up and some how i ended up with more money.

did i go back and question this? that would have been the nice thing to do.

but no, i walked away, did my errands, apent some of the money and am about to do laundry.

my philosophy...that chick was a dumbass and if she gets in trouble then so...
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monday suck

they are useless

i wish they would go away

and now its almost tuesday

which is slightly better then monday

but only because its a day closer to saturday

ho hum pigs bum

exactly 2 weeks till the twins bday

and have a bought them prezzies??



ARRR!!! skull
The Dread Pirate Barnes is on his way to Missouri. Idk much about Missouri. Except...
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my room mate almost caught me walking around naked today


it was the funniest yet most embarrassing thing that has happened in the 10 months we've known each other

Chuck norris ftw!
ive been feelign like crap all week

so today, when i got paid, me and nona went to walmart

i bought a few things i didnt need

i bought some super duper panties

sox of course

nona and i bought matching rings and sorta matching purses and sorta matching sox

i feel a little better

ill feel much better when my sexy driver finally comes...
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Super duper lousy day...so ive written some crappy poems and proses and otherwise depressing works...

"A Bigger Boat"
I don't know. i feel so sad. like the world just has it in for me. i hurt. Physically, mentally, emotionally. it's hard to overcome. i sail through my days like a shadow. the lightest shadow on the brightest day. so easily forgotten. i am the scape...
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so yesterday was going okay until i got the worst possible phone call ever, on my way into work last night.

a friend of mine, who has been using heroin for longer than ive known him, died Monday afternoon, apparently of an overdose. no one is really sure if it was an accidental overdose, or it was suicide, because last week he had been tlking...
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my throat hurts from laughing so hard...

i knew moving in with my best friend and her sister would be awesome, but honestly this is the moswt fun ive ever had...yea theres some ups and downs but its really cool to be around girls, and girls who care about me, rather than all the other guys i usually hang around with who only wanna get...
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ugh mother fucking mondays

well hey no i really cant complain. work was a breeze, i just woke up and i feel prety damn well rested, i acomplished 2 things i wanted to today and im comptemplating doing something nice for tasha-butt.

so why do i feel so damn lousy???

oh i know...cuz im not getting laid, im stressed out the wazoo, i dont know...
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im feeling artsy.
hmmmm what hasnt been done to death??

disembowelment hasnt really been done before.
that sounds interesting huh? rip out my uterus with a garden hoe and slap it on a poster. all that extra blood would be rather colorful. a tad messy but hey, whats a little mess in the name of art?

or take out my broken heart, smash it into...
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up at the crack of dawn

no thats not true

i dont know anyone named dawn and therefore cannot wake up to her crack


oh im so tired

but im the kinda tired that you know you wanna sleep but you also know you have a bahzillion things to do so you shouldnt go back to sleep


i need a maid
and a...
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my tits hurt
like really bad

im sitting in the apartment,
quietly, as tasha is sleeping,
drinking my beer (the foster's i made jack get for me),
listening to (because i cant see hte tv) "Enough" with J-Lo
contemplating going to bed
or taking new pictures


i do have to go get nona from work in 6 hours

bed is the more logical choice...
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