I don't really have anything interesting going on right now, so I am going to relate something that happened a long time ago of which I was recently reminded. A few days ago I was listening to the radio and they were talking about the worst rappers' names ever. It reminded me of a letter that someone I used to know got when he was working in the correspondence department of a bank. The letter was from a woman who could not pay off the balance on her credit card. She said that while she could not pay it at that time, her son was an up-and-coming rapper and when he hit it big, he would pay off her debt for her. She included her son's web site in the letter so that the reader could see for himself. Needless to say, my friend came home with the website and gave everyone a good laugh. The rapper's name was Tightest Whitest. Check out his music for yourself!

Anyhow, he's currently the No. 1 song in Euro-Clubs, where ever those suckers are!
Actully - dont laugh, this sort of rap would do well in some scandinavian & european countries