The previous entry was brought to you by a fucking awesome Christmas present! I can't say too much about it yet because it's going to be a surprise for DodRaibeid. (For those of you who don't know, I have an addiction to Victoria's Secret.
On a much more serious note, I'm having kind of a rough time right now. You know how sometimes you are perfectly aware of something intellectually but you can't quite comprehend it emotionally? Yeah, well that sucks. Someone close to me is in a bad place and has been pulling away from everyone. I know that person is pulling away from everyone but I'm still taking it really personally. We've talked about it a few times and I think maybe I'm feeling a little better about it now but I'm not sure if the feeling is going to last. On top of that (or possibly as a result), I've been feeling very lonely lately. Usually, I enjoy spending time alone on my days off. Lately, I've felt the need to fill all of my free time with company. I don't like that. I don't know what happened to my happy independence.
On a brighter note, I am no longer out of cat food or kitty litter.

On a much more serious note, I'm having kind of a rough time right now. You know how sometimes you are perfectly aware of something intellectually but you can't quite comprehend it emotionally? Yeah, well that sucks. Someone close to me is in a bad place and has been pulling away from everyone. I know that person is pulling away from everyone but I'm still taking it really personally. We've talked about it a few times and I think maybe I'm feeling a little better about it now but I'm not sure if the feeling is going to last. On top of that (or possibly as a result), I've been feeling very lonely lately. Usually, I enjoy spending time alone on my days off. Lately, I've felt the need to fill all of my free time with company. I don't like that. I don't know what happened to my happy independence.

On a brighter note, I am no longer out of cat food or kitty litter.

Wanting to have company is not a bad thing. I like being around others almost constantly, but there's always time to be alone. Being alone all the time will make me miserable, and if I was around others all the time, I'd go insane. If you ever need anyone to hang out with, there's a lot of us here on SG you could hit up for coffee and conversation or something.

Oh, and Dod's story was freakin' hilarious!