Before I say anything else, I would like to thank DodRaibeid for working long and hard to fix my computer. Thanks, Baby! You Rule! Now, an update on the last almost month of my lifeWork has been improving. We only have 4 kids right now because of the holidays. Apparently parents are more tolerant this time of year and are not beating their children. Thats nice of them, isnt it? The kids we do have are being pretty good. I finished most of my Christmas shopping early and got the last gift I needed today. I cant wait to give DodRaibeid his gifts. I got him so much cool stuff, especially the [CENSORED]! I went to two Christmas parties last weekend. The first one was at Dods exs house. I think he was a little unhappy that the two of us got along so well.
The other one was at my friends Lee and Saras house. They are such cool people. I really need to see them more often. They gave me City of Heroes. It came with a months free membership. I havent had a chance to try it out yet. Im kind of scared to because Im sure Im going to love it and then I wont have time for anything else in my life. I told Lee hes like my drug dealer. He and Sara keep getting me into things that really arent good for me. They got me into Pokemon years ago and I ended up spending hundreds of dollars on those damn cards. They worst part is they always give me the first taste free: free first Pokemon deck, free first month of City of Heroeswhat are they trying to do to me?!?
Christmas should be interesting this year. I dont celebrate the holiday but my boyfriend does. Im going to church with his family and then going to their house. Im spending the night, which will probably be fun because his sister wants to stay up late and play Trivial Pursuit 90s Edition. She is such a sweetheart; I guess he told her I was uncomfortable spending the night because apparently she said if she needed to shed sleep on the roof to give me a bed. (I feel weird sleeping in other peoples houses. It took me a while to even feel ok in his house, let alone his parents place.) Christmas morning we wake up and have some kind of special Christmas breakfast that is a tradition, open presents, and then hang around the house. At 2pm, we go over to Uncle [someone]s house. Thats when I get to meet DodRaibeids gigantic extended family.
For those of you who dont know, I dont do especially well in crowds. I dont like parties, for instance, because I dont know how to talk to people I dont know. I just tend to shrink into the background. This will not be an option on Saturday. Please think of me and my incredible discomfort at some point around that time and send me warm comforting thoughts.
After dinner, Ill go to work for two hours, and then I get to see my best friend whos home from Vermont for Christmas. I dont get to see her often so Im very excited.
I just took a break from writing this entry to wrap all those gifts I was talking about. Ive discovered I am short one box. This is a problem because I wanted to have all of DodRaibeids presents wrapped before he got here tonight as I will not be away from him again before Christmas. I guess Ill just have to send him out of the room. *shrug*
I hope everyone got his or her Christmas cards. I know four people didnt because I couldnt get their addresses. Hopefully I will see them soon so they dont think I forgot them. It occurs to me I could just call them, but then that would be too easy.
Completely unrelated to anything else, is anyone else bothered by the trend of rappers sampling 80s songs? P. Diddy did it a while ago with Ill be Missing You (Every Breath You Take) but now it seems like every other song on the radio was originally an 80s song. Theyve sampled everything from Madonna to Aerosmith to Martika. I dont know. Im not so much bothered by it, as it just seems weird to me. Not to mention, since Im listening to this music with 14 year olds, when a song like Toy Soldiers by Eminem comes on and I laugh, they just look at me like Im crazy.
Go read DodRaibeids newest entry. Its good stuff.
Ok, I think Ive sufficiently updated. Ill add more if I think of anything else.
Christmas should be interesting this year. I dont celebrate the holiday but my boyfriend does. Im going to church with his family and then going to their house. Im spending the night, which will probably be fun because his sister wants to stay up late and play Trivial Pursuit 90s Edition. She is such a sweetheart; I guess he told her I was uncomfortable spending the night because apparently she said if she needed to shed sleep on the roof to give me a bed. (I feel weird sleeping in other peoples houses. It took me a while to even feel ok in his house, let alone his parents place.) Christmas morning we wake up and have some kind of special Christmas breakfast that is a tradition, open presents, and then hang around the house. At 2pm, we go over to Uncle [someone]s house. Thats when I get to meet DodRaibeids gigantic extended family.
I just took a break from writing this entry to wrap all those gifts I was talking about. Ive discovered I am short one box. This is a problem because I wanted to have all of DodRaibeids presents wrapped before he got here tonight as I will not be away from him again before Christmas. I guess Ill just have to send him out of the room. *shrug*
I hope everyone got his or her Christmas cards. I know four people didnt because I couldnt get their addresses. Hopefully I will see them soon so they dont think I forgot them. It occurs to me I could just call them, but then that would be too easy.
Completely unrelated to anything else, is anyone else bothered by the trend of rappers sampling 80s songs? P. Diddy did it a while ago with Ill be Missing You (Every Breath You Take) but now it seems like every other song on the radio was originally an 80s song. Theyve sampled everything from Madonna to Aerosmith to Martika. I dont know. Im not so much bothered by it, as it just seems weird to me. Not to mention, since Im listening to this music with 14 year olds, when a song like Toy Soldiers by Eminem comes on and I laugh, they just look at me like Im crazy.
Go read DodRaibeids newest entry. Its good stuff.
Ok, I think Ive sufficiently updated. Ill add more if I think of anything else.
Happy Holidays!
happy holidays!!