Warning: Whining ahead.
I am sick. I do not like being sick. Apparently everyone is sick. All of the kids at work are sick and that is probably where I got this disgustingness. I am all stuffed up and I can't stop coughing. Occasionally I hack up gross looking shit too. (I'm sure you all wanted to know that.) I've felt nauseous on and off but I haven't actually puked yet. Hopefully I can make it to work tomorrow. If not I will definitely go to the doctor.
I was hoping I'd be able to get someone to come over and hang out with me or take care of me today but that didn't happen. I talked to my mom for a while and tried to hint at that because I didn't want to come out and tell her that I wanted my mommy. That's like giving her permossion to tell me what to do in her mind. I thought maybe she would offer to come over an make me soup though. Didn't happen. Then I called a friend to come hang out but she was busy. I wanted to talk to my boy on his lunch break but he didn't know I was calling because he left his phone at home. (He just called from a work phone to say hi because he had two minutes.)
I guess I'm going to go watch the other half of my movie. I might make some soup first. I don't know. Blah. I'm kind of bored but I'm in that annoying bored range where I'm still too sick to do anything but not too sick to just sleep all day. Poop.
It's my journal; I can whine if I want to.
If you actually read all of this, thanks. I'm done now.
On a totally unrelated note, if you didn't read this when it went up originally, this journal entry of DodRaibeid is really funny. I just read it again. Check it out.
I am sick. I do not like being sick. Apparently everyone is sick. All of the kids at work are sick and that is probably where I got this disgustingness. I am all stuffed up and I can't stop coughing. Occasionally I hack up gross looking shit too. (I'm sure you all wanted to know that.) I've felt nauseous on and off but I haven't actually puked yet. Hopefully I can make it to work tomorrow. If not I will definitely go to the doctor.
I was hoping I'd be able to get someone to come over and hang out with me or take care of me today but that didn't happen. I talked to my mom for a while and tried to hint at that because I didn't want to come out and tell her that I wanted my mommy. That's like giving her permossion to tell me what to do in her mind. I thought maybe she would offer to come over an make me soup though. Didn't happen. Then I called a friend to come hang out but she was busy. I wanted to talk to my boy on his lunch break but he didn't know I was calling because he left his phone at home. (He just called from a work phone to say hi because he had two minutes.)
I guess I'm going to go watch the other half of my movie. I might make some soup first. I don't know. Blah. I'm kind of bored but I'm in that annoying bored range where I'm still too sick to do anything but not too sick to just sleep all day. Poop.
It's my journal; I can whine if I want to.
If you actually read all of this, thanks. I'm done now.
On a totally unrelated note, if you didn't read this when it went up originally, this journal entry of DodRaibeid is really funny. I just read it again. Check it out.
fell better
there ya go... hope ya feel better soon. luckly I havent gotten any sickys YET