My computer is not functioning properly. Whenever I click on a link that would open another window, Internet Explorer freezes. I'm sometimes having trouble with random links that would just go to another page. Every few times I open IE, it freezes up and I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of it. My whole computer is also running very slowly which is freaking pissing me off. I have spent most of today trying unsuccessful to fix the problem. I have run scan disk, defragged, updated and run virus software, updated Windows, tried reinstalling my Comcast disk because the last time I had a problem with IE that fixed it, and tried to find a place on Microsoft's stinking website that would allow me to reinstall IE but they don't appear to have that option. I am out of ideas and I would really like to have the freedom to go to whatever website I would like and to look at naked women without have to type the URL of the pic into the browser. Anyone have any suggestions for a very frustrated girl?
(I am going to attempt to hit submit now. The window may freeze and I'll lose everything I just typed. I'm crossing my fingers.
Edit: Hey, it worked!
(I am going to attempt to hit submit now. The window may freeze and I'll lose everything I just typed. I'm crossing my fingers.
Edit: Hey, it worked!
I keep telling myself I need to be more patient..... someone is currently testing the limits of that right now.... Thanks for the comment. Did you get your PC fixed?
you should switch to mozilla loads faster than ie anyway. also you should use the 2 spyware removal programs and when that's done install a program called spyware blaster and you'll never have to worry about spyware ever again!!!! ever