Please don't misunderstand my previous post. I still think my boy kicks serious butt. He just happened to be a total moron yesterday. He's been a sweetheart about it today though. I know all relationships have their ups and downs, but it really freaking sucks when things are down!
I got an entertainment center on Saturday. That was the last major purchase I needed to make for my apartment. I should finally be able to get this place to look respectable. Yay! DodRaibeid put it together for me. It was really adorable to watch him do it because he's been building things from scratch with his father (a carpenter) since he was a little kid but this was the first time he had put together a pre-made piece of furniture. It was more complicated than he had anticipated. He did get it done; it just took him longer than he'd expected.
Check out this thread and scroll down to the long list of laws on the first page. It's hilarious! My favorites are #19 and #20.
I got an entertainment center on Saturday. That was the last major purchase I needed to make for my apartment. I should finally be able to get this place to look respectable. Yay! DodRaibeid put it together for me. It was really adorable to watch him do it because he's been building things from scratch with his father (a carpenter) since he was a little kid but this was the first time he had put together a pre-made piece of furniture. It was more complicated than he had anticipated. He did get it done; it just took him longer than he'd expected.
Check out this thread and scroll down to the long list of laws on the first page. It's hilarious! My favorites are #19 and #20.