I'm in the process of starting a Delaware group. I've thought it would be cool for a while and after Mle's set went up, the Delawarians started coming out of the woodwork to congratulate her so she started pestering people to start one. I've put in the proposal-type thing for it. Now I'm just waiting for it to get approved.
Everyone should go check out Shadowmancer's journal. He definitely gets the award for longest entry ever. SM, you are ten shades of awesome!
Everyone should go check out Shadowmancer's journal. He definitely gets the award for longest entry ever. SM, you are ten shades of awesome!

You just don't know how jealous I am that you got to see NIN. I'm anxiously awaiting their next album so Trent can get his hot butt back on the road. I'm going to do everything in my power to go see them next time they're anywhere within road trip vicinity. Which, really, is anywhere from Georgia to New York, and probably state or two to the west, too.
I edited this to add this: I just read what you said in JikarX's journal and, well, that's why you keep more than one online journal.
[Edited on May 15, 2004 2:25PM]
i'ma try a new style tonight.
i'll be sure to post a link when i upload my rough drafts.