Last night, Tammy was eating dinner in her living room. She started coughing and went into the bathroom. I could hear her spitting into the sink so I thought she was ok. Then I decided it was taking her an awfully long time and I started to worry. Just as I started walking towards the bathroom, she walked out looking very panicked, waving at her throat frantically, and no longer making any noise. I've never had to perform the Heimlich on anyone before outside of CPR class, but it turns out the thing really works. It's much different than on TV though. The potato she was choking on did not come out in a nice full, neat piece the way food always does on TV. Instead it came out all mushy along with some vomit. It was really gross and scary. Of course, before we got a chance to calm down and clean up the mess, her dog ate most of it. That was really fucking gross. Thankfully though, my dear Tammy is alive and well...and she even ate cream of potato soup for dinner tonight.
Things I need to do:
-Clean my apartment so badly. It is a total pigsty.
-Clean my car out. I don't even know what is in there anymore. Not good.
-Pay more attention to my cats. I've been a bad mommy lately.
-Change the kitty litter.
-Maybe give the cats baths too.
-Go through my mail and pay my bills.
-Crack open my Exalted book and decide what kind of character I feel like playing so Lee can run a game.
-Not chicken out next Friday when I have the opportunity to meet new people.
-Buy groceries
-Get my car fixed (I still need a new roof from when a 16 year old at work jumped up and down on it)
-I should probably have my internet disconnected because it has taken over my life.
Other fun stuff:
-I got tickets to VT. I get to go visit my best friend, Kristine! Yay!
-I saw The Family Stone tonight. Not bad.
-I also watched The Neverending Story onDemand. I liked it better when I was a kid. It worked better when I was the age of the kids in the movie. Now it's just unbelievable. There are plenty of kids movies that I still love (especially Laybrinth) but this just isn't one of them.
-The 3rd movie I watched today was Kuffs. Not bad. Milla Jovovich is fucking hot! We'll just pretend she wasn't 17 when that was made b/c she wasn't playing a 17 yr old.
-I fed my cats a can of salmon dinner in the kitchen and now I can smell it in my bedroom. Yuck.
-I like the new messaging feature. It's pretty cool.
-I don't like when people request my friendship without commenting in my journal first. If I don't know you, why would I accept your friendship?
I think that is all I have to say for now. Bye bye!
Things I need to do:
-Clean my apartment so badly. It is a total pigsty.
-Clean my car out. I don't even know what is in there anymore. Not good.
-Pay more attention to my cats. I've been a bad mommy lately.
-Change the kitty litter.
-Maybe give the cats baths too.
-Go through my mail and pay my bills.
-Crack open my Exalted book and decide what kind of character I feel like playing so Lee can run a game.
-Not chicken out next Friday when I have the opportunity to meet new people.
-Buy groceries
-Get my car fixed (I still need a new roof from when a 16 year old at work jumped up and down on it)
-I should probably have my internet disconnected because it has taken over my life.
Other fun stuff:
-I got tickets to VT. I get to go visit my best friend, Kristine! Yay!
-I saw The Family Stone tonight. Not bad.
-I also watched The Neverending Story onDemand. I liked it better when I was a kid. It worked better when I was the age of the kids in the movie. Now it's just unbelievable. There are plenty of kids movies that I still love (especially Laybrinth) but this just isn't one of them.
-The 3rd movie I watched today was Kuffs. Not bad. Milla Jovovich is fucking hot! We'll just pretend she wasn't 17 when that was made b/c she wasn't playing a 17 yr old.
-I fed my cats a can of salmon dinner in the kitchen and now I can smell it in my bedroom. Yuck.
-I like the new messaging feature. It's pretty cool.
-I don't like when people request my friendship without commenting in my journal first. If I don't know you, why would I accept your friendship?
I think that is all I have to say for now. Bye bye!

maybe i should learn some cpr.
I can help you clean out your car. I'm good at stuff like that.