Well I was on my Youtube page and realized that they disabled some of my videos i made. FUCK THEM. These Corporate FUCKS that have no life and FUCK with amateur movie makers on "Oh you can't use that song unless you have the companies permission." yeah well FUCK YOU AGAIN ASS FUCKS. You do realize that i gave credit to the band on the music. I never claimed that "I" made the song. Heck i can't even play the drums anymore. Well i just wanted to tell you my friends that CORPORATE AMERICA is going to hell and is taking the rest of the country with it. Politically Correct my ass. When the hell did this country become a pussy. I might get in trouble for this but FUCK IT. My life has changed and I know for the best. My way of doing business is changing and I am not looking back.

SET if you haven't already. XOXO