Well I was on my Youtube page and realized that they disabled some of my videos i made. FUCK THEM. These Corporate FUCKS that have no life and FUCK with amateur movie makers on "Oh you can't use that song unless you have the companies permission." yeah well FUCK YOU AGAIN ASS FUCKS. You do realize that i gave credit to the band on the...
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AH HA just finished school (like 3 months ago) and a certified Massage therapist. Specialized in Russian sports, sports, injury, and structural protocols. HA HA HA

It's Sunday and im studying for finalls next week. 

It's Sunday and i'm doing home work.

Well did my classes and hurt my back again. this time i'm not going to be able to reaccomplish my goal in being a combat controler.
so i decided to pursue a degree in Hazardous Waste and become an envromental guy. dramatic change in career feilds but non the less important. hope ya'll are doing good and things are working out in your favor. latz

Cool Just dropped by to let yall know that im still kickin. Just a little update till i go to my trainning. going to San Antonio to do my para rescue but then i was told that combat control is a bit easier to get into. let alone the drop out rate is not that high either. so i lost 20 lbs and gainned 5...
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Thanks bro. Hope things are good for ya.
OK Vegas was OK but the trip over all sucked. anyways i left Vegas with $600 and that was cool.

Sunday and the game begins. I have 9 months till i go to Iraq and the squadron commander and me have a bet on who will be in the better shape of the 2 of us. he he what he doesnt know is that I DON'T QUIT. he he he. IRAQ HERE I COME.

Updated New pics in my "New Hobby" set.