Pretty tired so lately that in this blog I could write weird stuff (brain at its 50% or less he he he), but OK the prize is comming on the last week of december... time for some vacations
Too much to think with the end of this year. I've been a real good invester of my savings, but don't know if it's time to use it for some "dreams" I always had (my own house) or use it in myself (travel again to great places, relax, get out of actual job and enjoy life, etc), Decisions, decisions... but for sure I need a 180 flip, what is the trigger for this to happen? Don't know...
For now I will just continue working, enjoying things and maybe in the road some things will change before I believe. The only thing I have is "Never quit, never surrender ... do it all with passion", but must be careful with the QUIT part. Because maybe I have to let go some stuff that is blocking my personal growth, so here I am always having hope for a better life and maybe, maybe this can happen... I'll do my best and take out some f***in fears of my head.
Wish the best to my great friends, I have made some good ones in this place
and let life go but never, never, never be a zombie ... a dead person in life, just a piece of mass occupying space. Wish me luck in my journey.

Too much to think with the end of this year. I've been a real good invester of my savings, but don't know if it's time to use it for some "dreams" I always had (my own house) or use it in myself (travel again to great places, relax, get out of actual job and enjoy life, etc), Decisions, decisions... but for sure I need a 180 flip, what is the trigger for this to happen? Don't know...
For now I will just continue working, enjoying things and maybe in the road some things will change before I believe. The only thing I have is "Never quit, never surrender ... do it all with passion", but must be careful with the QUIT part. Because maybe I have to let go some stuff that is blocking my personal growth, so here I am always having hope for a better life and maybe, maybe this can happen... I'll do my best and take out some f***in fears of my head.
Wish the best to my great friends, I have made some good ones in this place

pero que halagador!!!!!
gracias amigo.

gracias compaero! espero que haya mas que hacer y que ver en las prximas semanas!