Wow. School will be crazy busy this term. I have a writing intensive course, and two very labor intensive courses.The third is unknown so far, and I might be trying to add a fourth. >_< That and I'm currently working on a show, and hope to be adding another show I'd like to work on. I don't think the other show would be a paying gig, but it'd be working with makeup which would make me very happy. Makeup and hair desgin is where I feel the most comfortable behind stage.
I wish Portland was more diverse. I'm looking at Suzan Lori-Parks shorts to produce for my directing class. The problem is that so much of Portland is plain white bread, and Suzan isn't. Playwrights write what they are and what they know. She's a fucking fantastic writer too. Mos Def was in one of her shows, TopDog/UnderDog, on Broadway. That is an amazing script and someday I would love to see it. In fact I want to see and Lori-Parks show. I'm currently making my way through 365 days/ 365 plays.
As for work, tomorrow is the preview audience. Thursday is the official open. Which essentially means, no backing down now. I need to get an official list of run dates and make sure my call time remains the same. I have to miss two classes for this show as well. That kind of blows for one of my classes. Now I'm really just babbling.
The one thing I'm really upset about is Ryan leaving. In the past few years we've gotten pretty close. He's like another brother. He's going to be gone for 7 or 8 months. Which means he'll miss my birthday, again. It also means I no longer have a place to stay in West Seattle, and no one to talk into going to West 5 with me. That's right, it's all about me. Nevermind that he'll be "in an easy bake oven near the equator" for a number of months.
I wish Portland was more diverse. I'm looking at Suzan Lori-Parks shorts to produce for my directing class. The problem is that so much of Portland is plain white bread, and Suzan isn't. Playwrights write what they are and what they know. She's a fucking fantastic writer too. Mos Def was in one of her shows, TopDog/UnderDog, on Broadway. That is an amazing script and someday I would love to see it. In fact I want to see and Lori-Parks show. I'm currently making my way through 365 days/ 365 plays.
As for work, tomorrow is the preview audience. Thursday is the official open. Which essentially means, no backing down now. I need to get an official list of run dates and make sure my call time remains the same. I have to miss two classes for this show as well. That kind of blows for one of my classes. Now I'm really just babbling.
The one thing I'm really upset about is Ryan leaving. In the past few years we've gotten pretty close. He's like another brother. He's going to be gone for 7 or 8 months. Which means he'll miss my birthday, again. It also means I no longer have a place to stay in West Seattle, and no one to talk into going to West 5 with me. That's right, it's all about me. Nevermind that he'll be "in an easy bake oven near the equator" for a number of months.