My aunt's surgery seemed to go well, but the next night, another heart attack, which was too much for her.
At least she died with her family there to comfort her - her sister, children and grandchildren. Bu tit sucks that my brother's family and I are in London, and unable to attend the funeral. All we can do is send condolences and flowers.
And we were having such a nice time in London, until then. We got the bad news while on the Harry Potter film walking tour. Oh well, I'll have to post some pics and videos in the future. But too much to do yet.
London Dec 11-13
Liverpool Dec 14-15
London Dec 16-18

My aunt's surgery seemed to go well, but the next night, another heart attack, which was too much for her.
At least she died with her family there to comfort her - her sister, children and grandchildren. Bu tit sucks that my brother's family and I are in London, and unable to attend the funeral. All we can do is send condolences and flowers.

And we were having such a nice time in London, until then. We got the bad news while on the Harry Potter film walking tour. Oh well, I'll have to post some pics and videos in the future. But too much to do yet.
London Dec 11-13
Liverpool Dec 14-15
London Dec 16-18
sweeeeeeety.........besosssssssss <3
yes..I think so!! I love Waikiki, she's fucking amazing!! I think she's most beautiful on live..she's very sexy and friendly...I love her!! nice to meet you too!!