When two of the sweetest and sexiest girls on this site ask me to do something - I do it.

Thanksgiving was great. I try to always spend it with my old roommate from university (and his family, now) in Seattle. It's the opposite coast of the US from where I live, but for a once-a-year trip, it is perfect. We cook something new every night, and of course eat and drink and talk the whole day and night. He makes wine too, and I've helped - with both the work and the drinking.
Christmas I reserve for family. And since mom moved closer to my brother in September, I have to visit them in the cold and snow of Wisconsin, instead of flying to Florida for Xmas on the beach. It's a real shock to my life, and even more for my poor mom. She's always cold. So we got her lots of warm clothes for Xmas. It was super being able to see my niece and nephew open their gifts. We had fun.
Of course I did some work too: shoveling snow, driving mom around to shopping. I bought her some chairs for the kitchen, and put them together. And with my brother's help, we hung mom's big heavy German clock on the wall for her, and some mirrors in the bedrooms. So I earned all the food I ate (and beer I drank). LOL
I hope all you had wonderful holidays too.
Best wishes in 2010!!!