I guess this is as good a time for updating as any. It's after 1am, I'm drunk, and it's my birthday
What's new in Howdy's world? Well, I spent a lovely evening with Philly SGs and members, and for a great cause - raising money for the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Sponsored by the sweetest hottest street-hoola-hoopingest and cotton-candy-servingest Suicide Girl on earth (alias Karma). It was really nice to see her again, and to meet her husband and sister too. I also saw Nyssa and several others who I recognized but rarely ever see these days. And I bought a beautiful print from Steve Prue. Now if I could only remember the name of the girl in it! She has fabulous lips. I'll have to ask Karma to remind me. LOL
( Edited to add: Sash)
It felt good to cut loose after a long week of job-search-related stuff. I was in Boston last week for a couple of days for an interview and some preliminary apartment-hunting (just in case). I think everything went well, and I had a great time eating seafood, drinking wine and watching a free performance of Shakespeare in the park with two very intelligent and equally hot women. I met one of them at a conference last year, and we have kept in touch and become friends since. She's taken, but I haven't met her bf yet. She brought another friend along instead of him. I'm not complaining.
I also was in Maryland earlier this week for another interview, which also went well seemingly. So maybe I can finally join the employed again one of these days. And I had a long phone interview with a German biotech company too. So I have my fingers crossed.
I also have a new pet peeve. On my last flight, the new policy is to charge for water and soft drinks now. And the price of beer and cocktails has increased. I think I'll just start carrying on my own stuff and leave a huge mess. That'll fix 'em.
So, wish me luck in getting a job, and in surviving yet another birthday. And check out Karma's new multi set. It is fabulous.
What's new in Howdy's world? Well, I spent a lovely evening with Philly SGs and members, and for a great cause - raising money for the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Sponsored by the sweetest hottest street-hoola-hoopingest and cotton-candy-servingest Suicide Girl on earth (alias Karma). It was really nice to see her again, and to meet her husband and sister too. I also saw Nyssa and several others who I recognized but rarely ever see these days. And I bought a beautiful print from Steve Prue. Now if I could only remember the name of the girl in it! She has fabulous lips. I'll have to ask Karma to remind me. LOL
( Edited to add: Sash)
It felt good to cut loose after a long week of job-search-related stuff. I was in Boston last week for a couple of days for an interview and some preliminary apartment-hunting (just in case). I think everything went well, and I had a great time eating seafood, drinking wine and watching a free performance of Shakespeare in the park with two very intelligent and equally hot women. I met one of them at a conference last year, and we have kept in touch and become friends since. She's taken, but I haven't met her bf yet. She brought another friend along instead of him. I'm not complaining.
I also was in Maryland earlier this week for another interview, which also went well seemingly. So maybe I can finally join the employed again one of these days. And I had a long phone interview with a German biotech company too. So I have my fingers crossed.
I also have a new pet peeve. On my last flight, the new policy is to charge for water and soft drinks now. And the price of beer and cocktails has increased. I think I'll just start carrying on my own stuff and leave a huge mess. That'll fix 'em.
So, wish me luck in getting a job, and in surviving yet another birthday. And check out Karma's new multi set. It is fabulous.
actually, it seems that i have a couple of SG friends from king of prussia. maybe i should move there.