First of all - thanks to all those really crazy and wonderful people who shared their weirdness with me after being tagged. It's always great fun to find out things about people - some of whom I've know for quite awhile here.
Next - check out the latest sets from some of my old friends: Karma (with Alexis), Vivid, Morrigan; new friends: Effie; and former friends who I still think are hot: Dylan.
edited to add - don't forget to enjoy (in whatever form that takes) the fabulous Fatality & Salome set.
What have I been doing to occupy my time?
Well, there's a really interesting play going on in Phiily - Skin in Flames. It is pretty intense.
And a film that is also intense - Severance, if you like the idea of people who work for a weapons company becoming fodder for a blood & gore thriller.
But mostly, I'm involved in The Great Cheeseburger Quest, as I like to call it. Inspired by an article in the food section of the Philly paper - I'm checking out some of the critic's choices and adding some of my own. The results so far:
Best cheeseburger ever resides at the Good Dog Bar on 15th St. The meat is stuffed with roquefort cheese - and even the bun is fabulous. And the Dogfish Head 60 min IPA on tap is delicious. I've got a new favorite bar!
runner up is Rouge, on 18th St overlooking Rittenhouse Square. This is a huge burger, topped with gruyere - and the sidewalk tables are great for people-watching and dog-watching. In fact, many people bring their pets along for weekend brunch.
also notable The London Grill, at 23rd and Fairmount Ave. Lots of toppings to choose from, including sour cream, avocado and many cheeses. Great beer on tap too. Many I hadn't tried before.
best non-beef cheeseburger is the turkey burger at the Continental Martini Bar at 2nd & market.
best quality/price combination is at Snow White Market at 19th & Chestnut. Burger for $3. Need I say more?
As I find more worthy entries, I'll update. Apparently, this one is from another city.

And now for a vacation update. In about 10 days from now, I'm off to a family reunion in the lovely Upper Peninsula of Michigan. That's where my maternal grandparents settled after emigrating from Finland. If there are any Yooper Suicide Girls I'd love to meet them.
I'll be in Hancock, MI (no dirty jokes please, we've heard them all by now).
And anyone looking for a good time - come and join us. The town is having their annual Bridgefest weekend. Drinking is nearly mandatory.
Next - check out the latest sets from some of my old friends: Karma (with Alexis), Vivid, Morrigan; new friends: Effie; and former friends who I still think are hot: Dylan.

edited to add - don't forget to enjoy (in whatever form that takes) the fabulous Fatality & Salome set.
What have I been doing to occupy my time?
Well, there's a really interesting play going on in Phiily - Skin in Flames. It is pretty intense.
And a film that is also intense - Severance, if you like the idea of people who work for a weapons company becoming fodder for a blood & gore thriller.

But mostly, I'm involved in The Great Cheeseburger Quest, as I like to call it. Inspired by an article in the food section of the Philly paper - I'm checking out some of the critic's choices and adding some of my own. The results so far:
Best cheeseburger ever resides at the Good Dog Bar on 15th St. The meat is stuffed with roquefort cheese - and even the bun is fabulous. And the Dogfish Head 60 min IPA on tap is delicious. I've got a new favorite bar!
runner up is Rouge, on 18th St overlooking Rittenhouse Square. This is a huge burger, topped with gruyere - and the sidewalk tables are great for people-watching and dog-watching. In fact, many people bring their pets along for weekend brunch.
also notable The London Grill, at 23rd and Fairmount Ave. Lots of toppings to choose from, including sour cream, avocado and many cheeses. Great beer on tap too. Many I hadn't tried before.

best non-beef cheeseburger is the turkey burger at the Continental Martini Bar at 2nd & market.
best quality/price combination is at Snow White Market at 19th & Chestnut. Burger for $3. Need I say more?
As I find more worthy entries, I'll update. Apparently, this one is from another city.

And now for a vacation update. In about 10 days from now, I'm off to a family reunion in the lovely Upper Peninsula of Michigan. That's where my maternal grandparents settled after emigrating from Finland. If there are any Yooper Suicide Girls I'd love to meet them.

That cheeseburger is sick! hahah. Anyway, yea we should still hangout sometime, but i just want to be done with the city. We'll figure something out. I got your message, last week??? i think. I've been meaning to return your call but i suck at the whole phone thing. And i really have been busy running around, my puppy was sick, accumulated a vet bill of over $1000 and i'm trying to work some overtime to make the money to pay it off as soon as possible. as for Rob, we've been seeing each other for almost two years, by this point most relationships i've been in have gone downhill... but we just keep getting better and it amazes me. I might be headed to philly soon to get a tattoo, when i figure it all out, i'll let you know maybe we can hang then.
i always like given gifts to friends... glad it made your weekend