It's been a weird weekend. Rain and snow made the Friday evening commute into the city a living hell - trafficwise. So instead of attending the Tattoo Arts convention, my friend and I just went out to eat and drink and talk. That worked out ok, because I went to see the tattoos on Sat instead. I had also wanted to see the film Babel but there was some accident on the highway and we were stuck for like 90 min, so I missed the beginning of it. Instead, I thought "why not some brunch?" But the streets around my favorite place were all blocked off - because of a nightclub fire a block away. No one was hurt, and my restaurant was still open, so it all worked out.
Then I checked out all the bikes, artists and tattooed subjects until my head was literally swimming. I had no idea it was such a big event. Of course I wandered by the SG booth to meet some more hot ladies (girls, women, whichever complimentary adjective they prefer - I'm never quite sure what term is most appropriate), and to buy the Italian Villa dvd.
There were so many new hot gorgeous women there that I can't remember their names. I was overwhelmed. I did see Karma and Salome, who are two of my favorites. And I met the very lovely Fractal too. So it was a very good experience!
Well today is the "big day" for the few of us who care about NFL football. Particularly those (few) of us who being from Chicago, care about the Chicago Bears. As it turns out, nearly all professional prognosticators and otherwise "experts" are saying Indianapolis will win the game today. But I have leaned that I'm not alone in predicting da Bears to win. There's an orangutan at the Oregon Zoo who makes a prediction every year. (I'm afraid to check her overall success rate.) But she and I are both going with Chicago. So soon the world will know the answer to the oft-asked Howdy as smart as an oragnutan, or as dumb as one? Stay tuned.
Edited to add: just call me stupid ape.
Then I checked out all the bikes, artists and tattooed subjects until my head was literally swimming. I had no idea it was such a big event. Of course I wandered by the SG booth to meet some more hot ladies (girls, women, whichever complimentary adjective they prefer - I'm never quite sure what term is most appropriate), and to buy the Italian Villa dvd.

Well today is the "big day" for the few of us who care about NFL football. Particularly those (few) of us who being from Chicago, care about the Chicago Bears. As it turns out, nearly all professional prognosticators and otherwise "experts" are saying Indianapolis will win the game today. But I have leaned that I'm not alone in predicting da Bears to win. There's an orangutan at the Oregon Zoo who makes a prediction every year. (I'm afraid to check her overall success rate.) But she and I are both going with Chicago. So soon the world will know the answer to the oft-asked Howdy as smart as an oragnutan, or as dumb as one? Stay tuned.

Edited to add: just call me stupid ape.

What happened to da Bearsss????
HI was good...and yours?